臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.13(3)

特集名 残胃の癌
題名 吻含部胃炎と残胃癌 -- 組織発生と病理
発刊年月 1997年 12月
著者 服部 隆則 滋賀医科大学病理学第一講座
【 要旨 】 胃亜全摘術を施行された残胃には癌が発生しやすいことが知られている.とくに,Billroth II法では,吻合部から残胃粘膜は濃厚な逆流胆汁に曝され,腺窩上皮には過形成が生じ,時間の経過とともに(偽)幽門腺が嚢胞状に拡張してくる.このような,独特の構築を示す吻合部胃炎を背景粘膜として発生する胃癌の特性は,通常,胃に発生する胃癌と微妙に異なっている.残胃癌は,吻合部胃炎に似た組織構築,充実型の低分化腺癌またはgastric carcinoma with lymphoid stromaの形態を示すものなどが多い.胃型の形質発現を示すものが多く,遺伝子異常の観点からも通常型胃癌と異なっている可能性が高い.本稿では,前癌状態ともいえる吻合部胃炎と残胃癌の組織発生と特性について論じた.
Theme Carcinoma in Remnant Stomach
Title Histogenesis and Characteristics of Stomal Gastritis and Stump Carcinoma
Author Takanori Hattori Department of Pathology, Shiga University of Medical Science
[ Summary ] A higher frequency of gastric cancer has been reported in the gastric remnant, especially after Billroth II-reconstruction. The gastric mucosa adjacent to the anastomosis is continuously exposed to bile reflux, and this results in foveolar hyperplasia and cystic proliferation of mucous glands in the remnant mucosa. Over the course of time, (pseudo-) pyloric glands become cystically dilated, showing so-called stomal gastritis. Characteristics of stomal cancers, which arise from this stomal gastritis, are somehow different from those of conventional types of cancers arising in the non-operated stomach ; most stomal cancers disclose gastric-type phenotypic expression, and their genetic abnormalities may be different from those of conventional types of gastric cancers. In this chapter, the character-istics and histogenesis of stomal gastritis and stomal cancers are discussed.