臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.12(2-2)

特集名 早期食道癌 -- 病型分類と深達度から
題名 早期食道癌の診断 (2) 内視鏡診断 c.EUS
発刊年月 1997年 11月
著者 村田 洋子 東京女子医科大学消化器内視鏡科
著者 鈴木 茂 東京女子医科大学消化器内視鏡科
【 要旨 】 EUSの役割は,深達度診断では,粘膜筋板を描出することにより,粘膜筋板内の癌か,これを破壊するM3より深い癌かの鑑別に有用である.M2までとM3以上かの鑑別は94%可能であった.またリンパ節では5mm以上のリンパ節の存在診断,リンパ節のエコー像:類球形,境界明瞭,内部低エコーの所見より転移の予測が70~80%可能であった.そこでEUSは,明らかなep癌,dysplasiaを除く食道表在癌の深達度診断,リンパ節転移診断に有用である.
Theme Early Esophageal cancer-from the Viewpoint of its Type and the Depth of Invasion
Title The Role of EUS in Superficial Esophageal Cancer
Author Yoko Murata Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical College
Author Shigeru Suzuki Institute of Gastroenterology, Tokyo Women's Medical College
[ Summary ] EUS for esophageal superficial cancer, first, allows differentiation between cancer limited to the lamina propria and cancer invading the muscularis mucosa which is important for determining the indications for mucosal resection. Endoscopy makes this possible by delineating the muscularis mucosa. Furthermore, the accuracy reached 94%. Second, detection of small lymph nodes in the posterior mediastinum, perigastric, celiac lymph nodes is also possible. Metastatic lymph nodes are predicted by EUS findings such as nodes which are spherical in shape with a distinct border and hypoechoic internal echo. On occasion, heterogeneous echo spots are also seen internally. The accuracy of diagnosing lymph node metastasis by EUS was reported to be about 70-80%.
EUS has an important role in treatment selection.