臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.12(2-2)

特集名 早期食道癌 -- 病型分類と深達度から
題名 早期食道癌の診断 (2) 内視鏡診断 a.病型分類と深達度診断(通常内視鏡の立場から)
発刊年月 1997年 11月
著者 長南 明道 JR仙台病院消化器内視鏡センター
著者 望月 福治 JR仙台病院消化器内視鏡センター
【 要旨 】 通常内視鏡による食道表在癌の深達度診断について述べた.病型分類と深達度は密接に関わっており,基本的に0-IIb型はm1,0-IIa型は粘膜内に留まり(m1~m3),0-I型,0-III型はsm癌である.一方,0-IIc型はm1~sm3まで広く分布しており,もっとも深達度診断が困難である.通常内視鏡による食道表在癌の深達度診断能をみると,深達度m1~m2では91%,sm2~sm3では83%が正診されていた.しかし,m3~sm1では正診率は37%にすぎず,X線所見,トルイジンブルーによる色素内視鏡所見,超音波内視鏡所見などを併せて診断していく必要がある.
Theme Early Esophageal cancer-from the Viewpoint of its Type and the Depth of Invasion
Title Endoscopic Diagnosis of The Depth of Invasion and Classification of Early Esophageal Cancer
Author Akimichi Chonan Department of Gastroenterology, JR Sendai Hospital
Author Fukuji Mochizuki Department of Gastroenterology, JR Sendai Hospital
[ Summary ] To estimate the depth of early esophageal cancer invasion, 74 patients with early esophageal cancer were examined endoscopically.
Macroscopic type correlated with the depth of cancer invasion. Patients with 0-I (superficial and protruding) type and 0-III (superficial and distinctly depressed) type were classified as having submucosal cancer, while in those with 0-IIa type lesions (i.e., slightly elevated subtype of superficial and flat type lesions), the depth of invasion was m1-m3. All patients with 0-IIb type lesions (i.e., flat subtype of superficial and flat type lesions) were classified as having m1 cancer. In patients with 0-IIc type lesions (i.e., slightly depressed subtype of superficial and flat type lesions), it was difficult to diagnose the depth of invasion, because there was a wide distribution from m1 to sm3.
Endoscopic diagnostic efficacy, with regards to the depth of cancer invasion, was evaluated. The depth of invasion was accurately diagnosed by endoscopy in 91% of the patients with m1-m2 cancer and in 83% of the patients with sm2-sm3 cancer. On the other hand, the accuracy rate in diagnosing the depth of invasion was only 37% in patients with m3-sm1 cancer.
Our results suggest the necessity of total diagnosis employing not only conventional endoscopy but also endoscopic staining, roentogenography and endoscopic ultrasonography etc.