臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.11(9-2)

特集名 肝疾患の予後
題名 肝細胞癌の予後 (2) 経皮的エタノール注入療法;PEI-抗腫瘍効果,再発および生存率についての検討
発刊年月 1997年 10月
著者 江原 正明 千葉大学医学部第一内科
【 要旨 】 (1)過去約14年間に腫瘍径3cm以下の肝細胞癌228例(283病巣)に対してPEIを施行し,重篤な合併症はみられなかった.(2)PEIは確実な腫瘍壊死効果を示し,治療後1年以上定期的にCTで経過観察をしえた164例203病巣における治療部再発は7病巣(3.4%)で,累積再発率は1年0.9%,2年3.0%,3年5.1%であった.(3)治療後の5年生存率は全体で51.6%であり,肝障害度別ではChild A群およびB群は有意差がなかったが,両群ともC群に比し,それぞれ有意に優れ,その5年生存率は66.2%,46.5%であった.また,Child Aの細小肝癌では74.3%とさらに良好であった.(4)PEI後の肝内非治療部再発に関連した因子として,腫瘍数(単発・多発)がもっとも大きな因子であった.
Theme Prognosis of Liver Diseases
Title Percutaneous Ethanol Injection(PEI) for Patients with Hepatocellular Carcinoma 3cm or Smaller
Author Masaaki Ebara First Department of Medicine, Chiba University
[ Summary ] Percutaneous ethanol injection (PEI) was applied to 283 lesions in 228 patients with hepatocellular carcinomas 3 cm or less in diameter (small HCC) between Aug. 1983 and May 1997. Complications caused by PEI were relatively mild and did not necessitate intensive care. In 198 (97.5%) HCCs in 203 post-PEI patients, enhanced CT showed avascularing in both the early and late phases indicating complete necrosis, to date. The 3-, 5-, 8-, and 10-year survival rates after PEI were 70.3%, 51.6%, 24.9%, and 14.1% respectively. The survival rate of post-PEI patients with Child's A or Child's B grade was better than that of those with Child's C. Recurrences in hepatic areas differed from the original lesion in 23.6% at one year, 63.5% at three years and 86.1% at five years after PEI. Because of the anti-tumor therapeutic effect and minimal damage to the liver, PEI might be considered a viable alternative to surgery for most patients with small HCC.