臨牀消化器内科 Vol.12 No.10(12)

特集名 潰瘍性大腸炎の治療の最先端
題名 難治例の外科療法をめぐって
発刊年月 1997年 09月
著者 山本 哲久 防衛医科大学校第一外科学教室
著者 望月 英隆 防衛医科大学校第一外科学教室
【 要旨 】 近年,潰瘍性大腸炎に対する手術手技の確立と術後QOLの改善に伴って,手術適応が拡大されつつある.すなわち,従来の相対的適応とされる病態に加え,入退院を繰り返し,あるいはステロイドの副作用が著しい難治例に対し,待期手術を行うことによって良好なQOLを得ている.一方,緊急手術後のQOLは未だに十分とはいえない.したがって,手術適応の難治例に対しては,内科的療法と外科的療法それぞれの長所と短所を十分に情報提供したうえで,肛門機能を温存した待期手術を選択することが重要と考えている.
Theme Advanced Therapy Ulcerative Colitis
Title Surgical Treatment for Ulcerative Colitis
Author Tetsuhisa Yamamoto 1st Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
Author Hidetaka Mochizuki 1st Department of Surgery, National Defense Medical College
[ Summary ] The operative indications for ulcerative colitis have recently been expanding, especially in cases refractory to medical treatment. The establishment of surgical techniques and the excellent postoperative outcomes for this disease are the main reasons. Quality of life was compared between emergency and elective operation cases, and between the ileal pouch anal canal anastomosis(IACA) and the ileal pouch anal anastomosis(IAA) procedures. Better results were obtained in the elective and the IACA cases. These data suggest that cases in whom medical treatment fails should be informed of the outcomes of medical or surgical therapy, and that when operative treatment is selected an elective surgical procedure such as IACA is preferred from the view point of postoperative anorectal function. Long term results of the remaining rectal mucosa in the IACA cases merits further investigation.