腎と骨代謝 Vol.31 No.2(1)

特集名 骨粗鬆症リエゾンサービスの現状と未来
題名 骨粗鬆症による医療経済的負担増に対する軽減対策─リエゾンサービスの活用の必要性
発刊年月 2018年 03月
著者 太田 博明 国際医療福祉大学/山王メディカルセンター女性医療センター
【 要旨 】 高齢化率の上昇と後期高齢者数の増加が進展するわが国において,骨粗鬆症性骨折の減少は喫緊の課題となっている.骨折による医療経済的負担軽減のために,骨折例には的確な診断と適切な薬剤介入が必要である.それには日本骨粗鬆症学会が取り組むOLS-7にて骨折リスクを評価しつつ,骨粗鬆症連携手帳を用いた循環型連携である骨粗鬆症リエゾンサービスシステムの導入と全国展開が不可欠である.
わが国の骨粗鬆症の治療率は25%といわれるが,近年の薬剤治療により70~90代女性における大腿骨近位部骨折は約4,000例の減少が認められ,約250億円の費用対効果が試算されている.長期にわたって骨の健康を守り,bone attackといわれる一次骨折や二次骨折を回避して,自立した晩年を過ごすためにはリエゾンサービスと長期的管理が欠かせない.
Theme Perspective of Osteoporosis Liaison Service in Japan
Title Taking measures to lighten the medical and economic burden of osteoporosis -- the need for an enhanced utilization of the Osteoporosis Liaison Services
Author Hiroaki Ohta International University of Health and Welfare / Women's Medical Center, Sanno Medical Center
[ Summary ] Given the accelerated rate of population aging and the ever-increasing proportion of elderly individuals aged ≥75 years, reduction of osteoporosis-associated fractures has become a pressing issue in Japan. Implementing measures to lighten the medical and economic burden of osteoporosis-associated fractures entails accurate diagnosis of fractures in individuals with fractures, as well as appropriate pharmacological intervention. This also involves establishing a framework for evaluating individuals for fracture risks based on the Osteoporosis Liaison Service (OLS) tool "OLS-7" currently being developed by the Japan Osteoporosis Society, as well as launching the OLS as a nationwide circular liaison service using an osteoporosis liaison diary.
Reportedly, 25 % of affected individuals are currently being treated for osteoporosis, and a reduction of 4,000 proximal femoral fractures with pharmacotherapy among patients aged 70 to 90 years is estimated to result in medical cost savings equivalent to approximately 25 billion yen. Thus, an enhanced utilization of the OLS and long-term protection against osteoporosis are required not only to ensure long-term bone health but also to avoid primary fractures often referred to as "bone attacks" and secondary fractures, thereby allowing and facilitating late-life independence among elderly individuals.