腎と骨代謝 Vol.25 No.2(9)

連載名 Clinical Investigation
題名 血液透析患者において亜鉛(Zn)は破骨細胞活性を抑制する
発刊年月 2012年 03月
著者 塩田 潤 吉祥寺あさひ病院内科
著者 泉 治紀 吉祥寺あさひ病院内科
著者 笠原 仁 吉祥寺あさひ病院内科
著者 五十嵐 敦子 吉祥寺あさひ病院検査科/(株)メコム
著者 多川 斉 吉祥寺あさひ病院内科
【 要旨 】 微量元素である亜鉛(Zn)は骨代謝および骨粗鬆症の病因と関係しており,Znによる破骨細胞様細胞の減少がin vitroで示されている.本研究では,破骨細胞様細胞活性の臨床的パラメータである血清酒石酸抵抗性酸性フォスファターゼ5b(TRACP-5b)と血清Znの関連を観察するために,男性血液透析(HD)患者66例で中2日HD前に採血し,血清カルシウム(Ca),リン(iP),Zn,TRACP-5b,intact PTH,骨型アルカリフォスファターゼ(BAP)を測定した.全対象患者では血清TRACP-5bと血清intact PTHの強い正相関を認めたため(r=0.490,p<0.0001),血清intact PTHの高い患者から順次除外することにより,PTHの影響を排除し血清Znと血清TRACP-5bの相関を観察した結果,血清intact PTH<90 pg/mlのそれぞれの患者群でLog(血清TRACP-5b)とLog(血清Zn)の負相関を認めた(p<0.05).Log(血清TRACP-5b)を目的変数,Log(血清intact PTH),Log(血清Zn),Log(血清BAP),Log(年齢),糖尿病の有無およびビタミンD静注パルス療法の有無を説明因子としたstepwise regression analysisでLog(血清Zn)のみが独立した説明因子として採択された(r2=0.288,p=0.0229,β=-0.582).本研究は,血清intact PTH<90 pg/mlと限定的ではあるが,HD患者においてもZnが破骨細胞様細胞の活性を低下させることが示唆された.血清Znは65.2±9.9 μg/dl(m±SD)とほぼ半数が正常値以下であったことから,HD患者へのZn補充は骨吸収を減少させる効果が期待される.
Series Clinical Investigation
Title Possible inhibition of osteoclastogenesis in hemodialysis patients with administration of Zinc
Author Jun Shiota Department of Internal Medicine, Kichijoji Asahi Hospital
Author Naoki Izumi Department of Internal Medicine, Kichijoji Asahi Hospital
Author Hitoshi Kasahara Department of Internal Medicine, Kichijoji Asahi Hospital
Author Atsuko Igarashi Laboratory Division, Kichijoji Asahi Hospital / MECOM
Author Hitoshi Tagawa Department of Internal Medicine, Kichijoji Asahi Hospital
[ Summary ] The trace mineral zinc (Zn) is known to be related to bone metabolism and the pathogenesis of osteoporosis. It is also thought to decrease osteoclast-like cells, as shown in in vitro studies. In order to investigate the relationship between serum zinc levels and serum levels of tartrateresistant acid phosphatase (TRACP) 5b, the clinical markers of osteoclast activity, serum Ca, iP, Zn, TRACP-5b, bone alkaline phosphatase (BAP) and intact PTH were measured in 66 male patients receiving maintenance hemodialysis (HD) with intact PTH<800 pg/ml levels. Serum TRACP5b levels were positively correlated with serum intact PTH levels in all patients (r=0.490, p<0.0001). As PTH markedly increased osteoclastogenesis, we analyzed the correlation between serum TRACP-5b levels and serum Zn levels. The patients were categorized in descending order of serum intact PTH levels. In the patients with serum intact PTH<90 pg/ml, log (serum TRACP-5b) was not correlated with log (serum intact-PTH), but was negatively correlated with log (serum Zn) (p<0.05). Stepwise regression analysis (forward method) indicated only log (serum Zn) levels as being predictive of variable log (serum TRACP-5b) levels. While log (serum intact PTH), log (serum BAP), log (age), diabetes mellitus or the intravenous pulse therapy of vitamin D were excluded (r2=0.288, p=0.0229, β=-0.582). This is the first report demonstrating the negative correlation between serum Zn levels and serum TRACP-5b levels in HD patients, suggesting the physiological serum Zn levels may decrease the number of osteoclast-like cells. Serum Zn levels were 65.2±9.9 µg/dl (m±SD) and below the normal reference range in half of the patients. It is expected that Zn supplementation for HD patients may prevent excessive bone resorption.