腎と骨代謝 Vol.25 No.1(8)

特集名 FGF23/Klotho研究の進歩
題名 疫学データからみたFGF23の意義
発刊年月 2012年 01月
著者 濱野 高行 Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
【 要旨 】 FGF23は二次性副甲状腺機能亢進症のビタミンD治療抵抗性を予測するだけでなくハードアウトカムを予測することが判明してきた.FGF23は冠動脈疾患既往患者とあらゆるステージの慢性腎臓病(CKD)患者(保存期,透析導入期・維持期,移植期)の生命予後を予測する.血管石灰化に関しては報告の一致を見ないが,FGF23と左室心重量係数や内皮機能との関連はCKD患者だけでなく一般健常者でも報告されている.左室肥大との関連は,最近動物実験で報告された心肥大誘導効果に矛盾しない.さらに冠動脈疾患既往患者と保存期CKD患者でFGF23は心血管イベントを予測する.また保存期のみならず移植後もFGF23は腎予後を予測する.
Theme Recent advances in research concerning FGF23 and Klotho
Title The significance of FGF23 from the perspective of epidemiological data
Author Takayuki Hamano Clinical Epidemiology Unit, Center for Clinical Epidemiology and Biostatistics, University of Pennsylvania, Perelman School of Medicine
[ Summary ] It was recently found that FGF23 levels predict not only future refractory secondary hyperparathyroidism in hemodialysis patients but also hard outcome. FGF23 levels predict mortality in patients with coronary artery disease Summary (CAD) and all stages of chronic kidney disease (CKD) (predialysis, incident and prevalent dialysis, and after transplantation phase). Despite inconsistent results in its association with vascular calcification, the association of FGF23 levels with left ventricular mass index and endothelial dysfunction are confirmed in the general population as well as predialysis CKD patients. The association with left ventricular hypertrophy is compatible with a recent experimental finding that FGF23 itself induces cardiac hypertrophy. Moreover, FGF23 levels predict cardiovascular events in patients with CAD and predialysis CKD. FGF23 is also a predictor of renal outcome in patients with transplantation as well as patients with CKD.