臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.9(3)

特集名 小児腎不全―移行期医療の管理
題名 成長障害とCKD治療
発刊年月 2018年 08月
著者 本山 治 東邦大学医療センター佐倉病院小児科
【 要旨 】 慢性腎臓病(CKD)の小児は成長障害を伴う.推定糸球体濾過量(eGFR)が60mL/min/1.73m2未満に低下すると成長障害が始まり,腎機能障害の進行に伴い増悪する.成長障害を軽減するためには,保存期や透析療法中の栄養や骨ミネラル代謝異常の管理と,成長ホルモン療法によってできるかぎり低身長に陥るのを防ぎ,透析を施行せず(先行的腎移植)または短期間の透析の後に腎移植を行う.腎移植後は良好な移植腎機能を維持し,副腎皮質ステロイド薬の減量・中止を試みる.しかし,本邦のカルシニューリン阻害薬を使用した腎移植後の平均最終身長は男性158cm,女性148cmであり,標準の成人身長に達しない症例が多い.
Theme Pediatric end-stage kidney disease -- management of transition
Title Growth impairment in children with chronic kidney disease
Author Osamu Motoyama Department of Pediatrics, Toho University Medical Center, Sakura Hospital
[ Summary ] Growth impairment in children with CKD is caused by multiple factors, including a glomerular filtration rate below 60 mL/min/1.73 m2, which also indicates chronic kidney disease. During CKD stages 3-5, treatment with recombinant human growth hormone is recommended, as well as avoidance of malnutrition and CKD bone mineral disorders. Renal transplantation preemptively or following short term dialysis should be performed. After transplantation, corticosteroids should be reduced or withdrawn. If graft function remains ideal, catch-up growth is observed in most patients. According to a multicenter study in Japan, mean final height in pediatric transplant recipients treated with calcineurin inhibitor after transplantation was 158 cm in men and 148 cm in women. Their mean final height did not reach average Japanese adult height or target height calculated from parental heights. Aggressive management of growth retardation before transplantation may improve height during adulthood of children with CKD.