臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.9(11)

特集名 小児腎不全―移行期医療の管理
題名 小児期急性腎障害の現況と長期予後
発刊年月 2018年 08月
著者 亀井 宏一 国立成育医療研究センター腎臓リウマチ膠原病科
【 要旨 】 小児の急性腎障害(AKI)の診断は,成人と同様KDIGO分類を用いることが推奨されている.基準となる血清クレアチニンは日本人小児の基準値を用いるのがよい.原因は腎外疾患が多く,わが国での全国調査でもAKIを適応として急性血液浄化療法を施行した小児患者で,腎疾患は33.6%であった.わが国の全国調査では,急性血液浄化療法を施行した小児患者の生存率は54.1%であった.腎原性AKI 患者は,生命予後は良好だが腎予後は不良であり,逆に腎外性AKI患者は,腎予後は良好だが生命予後が不良である.
Theme Pediatric end-stage kidney disease -- management of transition
Title Acute kidney injury in children and long-term prognosis
Author Koichi Kamei Division of Nephrology and Rheumatology, National Center for Child Health and Development
[ Summary ] KDIGO Clinical Practice Guidelines are recommended for the diagnosis of acute kidney injury (AKI) in children. Serum creatinine levels determined by an enzymatic method should be evaluated using the standard value in Japanese children. A nonrenal disease is the cause of AKI in many children, and the proportion of children with renal disease who received renal replacement therapy for AKI in Japan was 33.5 %. Survival rate of children who received renal replacement therapy for AKI was 54.1 %. Children with AKI due to a renal disease showed better prognosis with respect to survival, despite poor renal prognosis. On the contrary, children with AKI due to a nonrenal disease showed better prognosis in terms of kidney function, despite poor survival-related prognosis.