臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.6(6)

特集名 透析室の感染症へどう対応するか
題名 感染対策を考えた透析室設計
発刊年月 2018年 06月
著者 阿部 薫 群馬パース大学保健科学部臨床工学科
著者 芝本 隆 群馬パース大学保健科学部臨床工学科
【 要旨 】 感染対策を考慮した透析室の設計に関して重要と思われるポイントを検討し解説する.まず,血液透析療法の特殊性は,体外循環を用いる侵襲的医療行為を長期間施行する必要があり,外来診療で行う施設が多くの割合を占めていることである.さらに,治療にかかわる作業が短時間に集中し,多数のスタッフおよび患者が限られた空間を移動する.血液透析療法は長期の治療を前提としており,快適空間の提供が要求されると同時に,感染対策および緊急時や災害時の対策も考慮した透析室を設計する必要がある.感染対策では,感染経路を考慮し,患者およびスタッフの動線を含めた清潔と不潔ゾーンの分離,良好な治療を可能にする作業空間の確保が重要である.
Theme Dealing with infections in hemodialysis facilities
Title Designing dialysis facilities aimed at infection control
Author Kaoru Abe Department of Clinical Engineering, Division of Health Science, Gunma Paz University
Author Takashi Shibamoto Department of Clinical Engineering, Division of Health Science, Gunma Paz University
[ Summary ] We investigated the important points to consider in designing dialysis facilities to achieve infection control. Of note, hemodialysis involves invasive medical practices that require the establishment of long-term extracorporeal circulation. This therapy is usually performed in outpatient clinics.
Furthermore, it involves intensive treatment administered within a short time span with a relatively large number of staff and patients moving within a limited space.
Hemodialysis therapy is necessarily long-term treatment, which therefore requires that patients be provided a comfortable space. At the sometime, the dialysis room needs to be designed accordingly considering countermeasures against infection, emergencies, and disasters.
Important points that must be considered with respect to infection control involve determining possible routes of infection, separation of clean and unclean zones including patient and staff flow lines, and securing an optimal work space for the administration of safe and appropriate treatment.