臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.6(10)

特集名 透析室の感染症へどう対応するか
題名 血液透析患者の敗血症―リスク因子と原因菌
発刊年月 2018年 06月
著者 小口 健一 望星会望星病院
著者 岩淵 仁 望星会望星病院
著者 浅野 学 望星会望星病院
【 要旨 】 感染症は心不全と同様にわが国における透析患者の主たる死因である.なかでも敗血症は高い死亡率から深刻な脅威として知られている.われわれは91例(女性41例)の敗血症患者を分析し,以下の知見を得た.グラム陽性球菌がすべての菌種の75.5%を占め,その84.3%がブドウ球菌であった.さらにブドウ球菌の70%はMRSN,MRCNSのいずれかであった.91例中56例がカテーテル留置を行っていた.感染経路としては,カテーテル感染が21例,尿路感染が12例,呼吸器感染が9例,皮膚感染が6例であった.91例中57例が経過中に死亡し,その半数が耐性ブドウ球菌を有していた.多変量解析の結果からはCRP(OR 1.070,95% CI 1.017~1.126)とアルブミン値(OR 0.193,CI 0.071~0.524)が重要な予後関連因子であることが判明した.敗血症に対しての戦略には四つの太い柱があることを強調したい.まず外科的措置による感染源の制御である.次に患者の身体条件の改善である.3本目の柱は強力かつ的確な化学療法を迅速に実施することである.加えてカテーテル使用の頻度を減らすことがエビデンスに裏付けられた予防的戦略に挙げられる.
Theme Dealing with infections in hemodialysis facilities
Title Sepsis in patients undergoing hemodialysis-risk factors and causative organisms
Author Kenichi Oguchi Bosei Hospital
Author Hitoshi Iwabuchi Bosei Hospital
Author Manabu Asano Bosei Hospital
[ Summary ] Infectious diseases remain the leading cause of death in addition to heart failure in Japanese patients undergoing dialysis. Overall, the risk of sepsis remains high in these patients and contributes to a high mortality rate. We studied a group of 91 patients (41 women) who had been clinically diagnosed with sepsis. Twenty-one bacterial species and 143 bacterial strains were identified in this group. Gram-positive cocci accounted for 75.5 % of all, and Staphylococci accounted for approximately 84.3 % of the gram-positive cocci, whereas MRSA and methicillin-resistant coagulase-negative Staphylococci accounted for 70 % of the entire Staphylococcal population. Notably, 56 patients showed the presence of an indwelling catheter. Concomitant infections included 21 cases of catheter infection, 12 of urinary-tract infection, 9 of respiratory infection and 6 of dermal gangrene and bedsores. Overall, 57 patients died all over the progress, and approximately 50 % of these patients showed the presence of resistant Staphylococci. Multivariate analysis showed that the levels of C-reactive protein (odds ratio [OR] 1.070,95 % confidence interval [CI] 1.017-1.126) and serum albumin (OR 0.193, CI 0.071-0.524) were associated with an increased risk of mortality. We emphasize the role of 3 primary strategies in prevention of sepsis in patients undergoing dialysis: 1) Combating an infection by surgical removal of an infected part. 2) Improvement in the physical condition of patients. 3) The prompt administration of effective and appropriate chemotherapy. Additionally, reducing the use of catheters would serve as an effective evidence-based strategy to reduce a patient's vulnerability to infection.