臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.2(5)

特集名 透析患者のリハビリテーション―訓練と支援
題名 呼吸器リハビリテーション
発刊年月 2018年 02月
著者 美津島 隆 獨協医科大学リハビリテーション科学講座
【 要旨 】 呼吸器リハビリテーションは呼吸器疾患の進行および合併症の予防を目的とした多職種によってサポートされる包括的チームケアである.その目的は呼吸器症状を緩和し,ADL,QOLを改善し,自立した生活を再び送れるようにすることである.
Theme Rehabilitation therapy in dialysis patients -- training and support
Title Pulmonary rehabilitation
Author Takashi Mizushima Department of Rehabilitation Medicine, Dokkyo University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Pulmonary rehabilitation management in the prevention and/or amelioration of the cardiovascular co-morbidities associated with HD patients consists of the team care unit which is supported by many types of jobs.
The goals of pulmonary rehabilitation programs are to reduce symptoms, improve activity and daily function, and restore the highest level of independent function in patients with respiratory disease.
Exercise therapy in the pulmonary rehabilitation programs associated with HD patients consists of conditioning, activities of daily living (ADL) training, muscle tolerance, and muscle resistance training.
Importantly, disuse syndrome should be avoided, the physical fitness of HD patients should improve, and the risk of the cardiovascular co-morbidities associated with CKD should be controlled.