臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.12(3)

特集名 2025年に向けた透析室のキュアとケア/透析室の洪水・土砂災害対策―西日本豪雨災害を受けて
題名 「2025年問題」を抱えた透析看護の今後
発刊年月 2018年 11月
著者 佐藤 久光 増子記念病院・看護師
【 要旨 】 2025年があと数年後に迫ってきた.「団塊世代」の人々すべてが,後期高齢者となる年である.今後,①療法選択支援,②認知障害のある患者への看護,③ターミナル期の患者への看護が大きな課題となろう.地域との連携や「集団的在宅血液透析」も視野に入れ,看護の専門性を深化させることで,これらの課題に立ち向かう必要がある.透析室の看護師は,多職種間の連携と調整役を果たし,多様化する透析療法を熟知し,患者個々の状況に合わせた創造的な看護を実践する役割がある.これが「2025年問題」に向かう透析室で勤務する看護師の使命であると筆者は考える.
Theme Cure and care in dialysis wards heading for the year 2025 / Measures against fl oods and sediment disasters for dialysis wards
Title The future of dialysis nursing ahead of the "2025 problem"
Author Hisamitsu Sato Department of Nursing, Masuko Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] The "2025 problem" is approaching. The problem will become a reality in several years' time. The baby boomer generation will be aged 75 years or older. Support for individual choice of therapy, nursing of patients with cognitive impairments, and nursing of terminally ill patients will become major problems in the future. Regional alliances will become important. It is necessary to allow nurses to develop more specialist skills, in order to address the problem that we face. Dialysis room nurses act as a coordinator, providing a liaison between individuals with many different roles. Dialysis room nurses understand their role well enough to understand the importance of diversification. Therefore, they create a role for 'creative nursing', generated from the perspective of the individual patient. I believe that this is the mission of a nurse working in a dialysis ward facing the "2025 problem".