臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.12(2)

特集名 2025年に向けた透析室のキュアとケア/透析室の洪水・土砂災害対策―西日本豪雨災害を受けて
題名 「2025年問題」を抱えた透析医療の今後
発刊年月 2018年 11月
著者 安藤 亮一 武蔵野赤十字病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 「2025年問題」は,介護・医療費などの社会保障費の急増とそれを支える生産年齢人口の減少が懸念されている問題であり,透析患者および透析医療を担う医療者にも関連し,今後の透析医療を考えるうえで重要な問題である.透析患者数はこれまで年々増加し続けてきたが,今後は,増加が鈍化あるいは減少することが予想される.また,透析患者の高齢化はさらに進み,合併症の増加が予想される.なかでも,脳血管障害,認知症,高齢者のフレイルなどにより介護を必要とする透析患者の増加がもっとも深刻であり,さらに,悪性腫瘍や感染症の増加も問題となる.また,地方の人口減による透析医療の確保の問題や透析医療費の増加,およびそれに対する抑制策などの問題も深刻化すると予想される.
Theme Cure and care in dialysis wards heading for the year 2025 / Measures against fl oods and sediment disasters for dialysis wards
Title The future of dialysis considering the "2025 problem"
Author Ryoichi Ando Department of Nephrology, Musashino Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] The "2025 problem" is the crisis of the growing elderly population in 2025 with the increase in social security expenses such as nursing care and medical expenses alongside a decrease in the population of people of the productive age supporting it. It is an important issue in considering the future of dialysis medicine. The number of dialysis patients has increased year by year, but in the future it is expected that the increase will slow down or decrease. Furthermore, as the aging of dialysis patients progresses, further related complications are expected to increase. Among them, the increase in dialysis patients who need care as a result of a cerebrovascular disorder, dementia, or the frailty due to aging, etc. is the most serious. Furthermore, an increase in malignant tumors and infectious diseases is also a problem. In addition, issues such as securing dialysis medicine due to the local population reduction and an increase in dialysis medical expenses and countermeasures against such problems are expected to become serious.