臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.12(1)

特集名 2025年に向けた透析室のキュアとケア/透析室の洪水・土砂災害対策―西日本豪雨災害を受けて
題名 「2025年問題」の本質と医療・介護における今後の課題と対策
発刊年月 2018年 11月
著者 小池 創一 自治医科大学地域医療学センター地域医療政策部門
【 要旨 】 「2025年問題」とは,2025年には1947~49年生まれのいわゆる「団塊の世代」が全員75歳以上になることに伴う諸問題を指している.医療や介護を受ける者が増加し,必要となるサービスも変わるなか,現状の医療・介護の提供体制では,医療や介護を必要とする者のニーズと合わなくなり,社会保障の維持が難しくなっていく.地域包括ケアは,2025年に向けた医療・介護の提供体制を再構築するための取り組みとして重要である.65歳以上人口は2040年代の初めまで増加を続け,65歳以上人口割合は2040年代以降も上昇,2065年にはほぼ4割に達することを踏まえると,2040年,さらにその先を見据えた対策も重要となる.
Theme Cure and care in dialysis wards heading for the year 2025 / Measures against fl oods and sediment disasters for dialysis wards
Title The "2025 problem" -- future agenda and solution for medical and long-term care
Author Soichi Koike Division of Health Policy and Management, Center for Community Medicine, Jichi Medical University
[ Summary ] The "2025 problem" refers to the various issues associated with the "baby boomers" (born between 1947 and 1949) becoming elderly (aged 75 years or older) by 2025. As both the number of and required services for people receiving medical and long-term care is expected to increase, the current medical and long-term care delivery system is no longer fit to meet the demand and has become unsustainable. Therefore, the establishment of community-based integrated care systems is needed to rebuild the medical and nursing care delivery system by 2025. However, after 2025, the population aged 65 years and older will continue to increase until the early 2040s. Moreover, as the population decreases, the proportion of people aged 65 years and older will continue to increase after the 2040s, reaching nearly 40 % in 2065. Therefore, further and constant medical and long-term care system reform will be necessary after 2025.