臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.11(2-3)

特集名 透析食の調理者と透析患者
題名 全国各地の透析患者の食事事情 (3) 離島に住む50歳代男性患者(元漁師)
発刊年月 2018年 10月
著者 安原 みずほ 松江赤十字病院栄養課・管理栄養士
著者 花田 健 松江赤十字病院膠原病・腎臓内科
著者 漆谷 義徳 松江赤十字病院膠原病・腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 50歳代,男性,元漁師.高血圧性腎臓病と糖尿病による末期腎不全となった.居住地は離島であり,血液透析施設がなく腹膜透析を選択した.腹膜透析の離脱は住み慣れた土地からの転居を意味する.独居で中食利用が多く,可能な範囲で食事療法を行うことになった.資料による栄養指導では効果があまりなく,半年後には著明な体重増加と浮腫がみられた.配食サービスは離島のため利用回数が限られ,本人への栄養指導の強化が必要であった.調理実習を実施したところ,積極的に参加し,会話もできるようになった.その後も指導を続け,血液透析移行までの3年7カ月間腹膜透析を継続できた.患者に合わせた指導法を試行錯誤・実践することが重要である.
Theme Dialysis patients and people who are in charge of preparing food
Title Male patient in his 50's living on remote island (Former fisherman)
Author Mizuho Yasuhara Department of Nutrition, Matsue Red Cross Hospital
Author Ken Hanada Department of Rheumatology and Nephrology, Matsue Red Cross Hospital
Author Yoshinori Urushidani Department of Rheumatology and Nephrology, Matsue Red Cross Hospital
[ Summary ] Our patient was a male in his 50's, a former fisherman with end stage renal failure due to hypertensive kidney disease and diabetes mellitus. His place of residence was a remote island. There was no hemodialysis facility and as a result he chose peritoneal dialysis. The secession of peritoneal dialysis means moving from the land in which he had lived for so long. He lives alone. He dose not cook and purchases prepared food. Dietary therapy is provided as far as possible. Nutritial education using pamphlets had no effect, and noticeable weight gain and edema were seen six months later. Availability of meal services is limited on remote islands. As a result, it was necessary to improve his nutritial education. After receiving cooking training, he was able to actively participate and have conversations concerning his nutrition. Continued educating was provided and he was able to continue peritoneal dialysis for 3 years and 7 months until standard hemodialysis became necessary. It is important that we conduct trial and error treatments in relation to the abilities of patients and we continue patient education.