臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.11(2-2)

特集名 透析食の調理者と透析患者
題名 全国各地の透析患者の食事事情 (2) 交通の便のよい市街地に住む高齢透析患者(妻と2人暮らし)
発刊年月 2018年 10月
著者 川手 由香 京都桂病院医療支援部栄養科・管理栄養士/京都府立医科大学大学院医学研究科内分泌・代謝内科学
【 要旨 】 交通の便のよい市街地に,同年代である70歳代後半の妻と2人で住む透析歴9年の高齢血液透析患者が,近隣に住む高齢者コミュニティーや長女家族と共生し,自身の老齢化に応じながら,「しっかり食べる」食事療法を実践・継続するために栄養指導を行った.地域で入手可能な宅配弁当の一覧表や無塩食パンなどの情報提供を行い,近所からのいただきものの上手な使い道や手抜き料理のレシピ,米飯のリンやカリウムの簡単な減量方法,経済的制約による摂取食品の偏りへの対策などの工夫とポイントを,患者の生活背景,生きがい,経済状況等を考慮しながら行った栄養療法のアドバイスを,他症例の経験も含めて紹介する.
Theme Dialysis patients and people who are in charge of preparing food
Title Dietary therapy for married elderly couples who are treated with dialysis and live in an urban areas with convenient transport
Author Yuka Kawate Department of Nutrition, Kyoto Katsura Hospital / Department of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Graduate School of Medical Science, Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine
[ Summary ] The number of dialysis patients at the end of December 2016 was 329,609 and it is still increasing although the rates of increase have fallen. When the patient age composition ratio is compared to that in 2006, the proportion of dialysis patients under 65 years old decreased from 48 to 34 %. Those aged between 65 and 74 years old increased from 29 to 33 % and those aged 75 years or older increased from 23 to 33 %. The aging of the dialysis population is expected to continue into the future.
Malnutrition occurs readily in elderly dialysis patients. The methods for their dietary therapy varies depending on the cooking ability of the patient, state of the family living with them, and the locality and associated difficulties in obtaining food.
In this report, we introduce approaches for married elderly couples who are treated with dialysis and live in an urban areas with convenient transport, to continue dietary therapy corresponding to their age, while living in an inclusive community. We also include our experiences with other types of cases.