臨牀透析 Vol.34 No.11(1)

特集名 透析食の調理者と透析患者
題名 医学的見地からみた透析食―透析患者における各種栄養素
発刊年月 2018年 10月
著者 花房 規男 東京女子医科大学血液浄化療法科
【 要旨 】 栄養素はmacronutrient(たんぱく質・脂肪・炭水化物)とmicronutrient(電解質・ミネラル・ビタミン)に分けられる.透析患者では,十分なたんぱく質の摂取とともに,十分なエネルギーの摂取が低栄養状態・消耗状態の抑制のために必須である.一方,電解質・ミネラルについては,ナトリウム,リン,カリウムの摂取を考慮することが必要である.ナトリウムは透析間の体重増加と関連する.リンは時間依存的に透析で除去されるが,一般的にはリン吸着薬によるコントロールが必要である.カリウムについては高齢者の低カリウム血症に注意する必要がある.水溶性ビタミンは透析で除去されるため,補充も考慮されるが,その適正な投与量は明らかになっていない.
Theme Dialysis patients and people who are in charge of preparing food
Title Dietary considerations in dialysis patients from the viewpoint of macro- and micronutrients
Author Norio Hanafusa Department of Blood Purification, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] Both macronutrients and micronutrients are indispensable for maintaining physiological function of the body. Dialysis patients should ingest sufficient amounts of protein and energy from their foods to prevent malnutrition and wasting conditions. Sodium intake is associated with interdialytic weight gain. Thus, adequate restriction of sodium intake is necessary for circulatory stability, and appropriate blood pressure control. Phosphate is a major contributor of chronic kidney disease-mineral and bone disorders and hyperphosphatemia associated with worse outcomes. Phosphorus exhibits a specific kinetic in the body, or a pseudo-one compartment model, and can be removed in a time-dependent manner. Moreover, the amounts of phosphorus in foods are highly correlated with amounts of protein. Protein intake might be prioritized over phosphate intake for better survivals of patients. Patients should take phosphate binders to control serum phosphate levels when they receive conventional dialysis treatments. Older patients with reduced appetites can experience hypokalemia from uniform removal of potassium during dialysis sessions. Finally, water-soluble vitamins are targets of removal by hemodialysis treatments. Several studies demonstrated that appropriate supplementation of these vitamins was associated with better survival, although, a guideline which indicates concrete dosage of supplementation has not yet been published.