臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.4(3-8)

特集名 透析患者の薬剤処方―ポリファーマシーを考える
題名 [各論:各疾患の多剤併用療法]―なぜ組み合わせるのか? どんな危険性があるのか?(8)認知症治療薬の処方
発刊年月 2017年 04月
著者 花房 規男 東京女子医科大学血液浄化療法科
【 要旨 】 認知症の治療は,治療手段から非薬物治療と,薬物治療とに分けられ,治療の対象からは認知機能の低下自体に対する治療と,行動・心理症状(BPSD)に対するものに分けられる.アルツハイマー病の脳内ではアセチルコリンの減少とグルタミン酸の増加がみられる.このため,認知機能低下に対しては,コリンエステラーゼ阻害薬と,グルタミン酸受容体(NMDA受容体)拮抗薬とが用いられる.一方,BPSDに対しては,非定型抗精神病薬が用いられるが,うつ症状に対しては,抗うつ薬も使用される.抗コリン薬・ベンゾジアゼピン系睡眠薬は認知機能低下と関連する可能性があり,とくに高齢透析患者ではこれらの薬剤は投与を行わない.
Theme The consideration of polypharmacy in dialysis patients
Title Pharmacological management of patients with cognitive dysfunction
Author Norio Hanafusa Department of Blood Purification, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] Cognitive dysfunction is prevalent among dialysis population. Cognitive dysfunction may be treated either non-pharmacologically or pharmacologically. The aims of such therapies include slowing cognitive decline and managing behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia (BPSD). Two classes of drugs can be used for slowing cognitive decline. One class is choline esterase inhibitors and the other is the N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA) receptor blocker. Acetylcholine is known to be depleted in the brain of patients with Alzheimer disease, while glutamate levels increase. Choline esterase inhibitors increase the activity of cholinergic neurons. The NMDA receptor blocker modulate the function of NMDS receptors and protects neurons from cell death. The adverse effects of choline esterase inhibitors include gastrointestinal symptoms, which may be a dose-limiting symptom. Bradycardia is an uncommon but important adverse event to be monitored in patients taking choline esterase inhibitors. Although non-pharmacological therapy is preferred for management of BPSD, atypical antipsychotics, antidepressants, and Yoku-Kan-San are usually used for pharmacological management. The risks and benefits of drug therapy must, however, be balanced, because all of these drugs may potentially have adverse effects and may negatively affect the clinical outcomes. Several drugs, such as anticholinergic drugs or benzodiazepines, cause cognitive dysfunction. These drugs must be avoided in older dialysis patients.