臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.10(8)

特集名 維持透析患者の喪失感―理解・克服への支援
題名 心理療法士が捉える透析患者の喪失感
発刊年月 2017年 09月
著者 服巻 豊 広島大学大学院教育学研究科心理学講座
【 要旨 】 維持透析患者は,日々の多様な喪失感を抱えながらも自分らしい生き方を模索し続けている.彼らは,一時的にでも喪失感を忘れられたり,喪失感にこだわる自分をあきらめられたりすると,自分なりに新たな目標を作り,前向きに生きていくようになる.喪失感をもつ彼らへのケアにおいては,さまざまな症状を呈する身体そのものと個人の訴えに敬意を払い,工夫し続けている生活態度に関心をもつことが重要である.医療従事者が患者の身体と個人を尊重する姿勢は,患者との深い信頼関係を構築し,患者自らが喪失感と向き合い,喪の仕事をすることを促すサポートにつながる,つまり,全人的ケアの基盤になるものと考える.
Theme Sense of loss of dialysis patients -- support for understanding and overcoming
Title Clinical psychologists support hemodialysis patients' loss
Author Yutaka Haramaki Department of Psychology, Graduate School of Education, Hiroshima University
[ Summary ] Hemodialysis patients experience various types of losses in their daily lives and seek an optimal lifestyle including in terms of hemodialysis treatment. If they can stop being fixated on what they have lost and are assisted with setting up new goals, they can live active and positive lives. Moreover, medical staff need to closely monitor and manage physical conditions in patients undergoing hemodialysis to help the latter maintain a respectable lifestyle. Relating to patients in an empathetic manner would help staff to better understand the patients' condition and also how their sense of loss is influenced by the patients' attitudes, which would be an area of focus for staff to work upon to help the patients. This kind of sensitive care helps patients remain positive and learn to vent grief/anger in healthy ways. Showing respect for patients and their needs is a fundamental component of holistic caregiving to assist hemodialysis patients to get over their losses and develop self-sufficiency.