臨牀透析 Vol.33 No.10(7)

特集名 維持透析患者の喪失感―理解・克服への支援
題名 透析患者の喪失体験が意味するもの―社会生活上の喪失とその回復
発刊年月 2017年 09月
著者 藤田 譲 白鷺病院医療福祉科・MSW
【 要旨 】 本稿では,慢性腎臓病と診断されて以降,患者が経験するであろう出来事から社会生活上の「喪失」体験に焦点を当てた.透析患者の喪失は,身体的な変化に伴い出現し,身体だけでなく心や生活へと拡がっていくものである.喪失からの回復過程は容易でなく,なぜなら,喪失そのものは個人の価値観と密接に結びついているだけに,周りとの共有もしがたいために,周囲のサポートが得られないからである.
Theme Sense of loss of dialysis patients -- support for understanding and overcoming
Title Clinical implications of the sense of loss experienced by patients undergoing dialysis : a sense of loss and its recovery pertaining to their social life
Author Jo Fujita Division of Social Work, Shirasagi Hospital
[ Summary ] This article discusses the sense of loss that dialysis patients experience throughout the course of their life after being diagnosed with chronic kidney disease. This feeling of loss begins with a change in their physical condition and increases as the chronic kidney disease progresses. Dialysis patients struggle with recovery of their sense of loss ; however, they experience several difficulties owing to the complexity of their losses due to their own sense of value.
Medical staff in dialysis settings must understand the complexity of loss experienced by dialysis patients, learn psychological techniques, and gain new knowledge in fields such as neuroscience, and the difficulties of their recovery process from loss.