臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.6(2-9)

特集名 透析関連専門資格に求められるもの・これからの透析医療教育―現状と課題
題名 [各論/臨床工学技士]9. 臨床工学技士育成教育と透析医療:現状と課題
発刊年月 2014年 06月
著者 丹下 佳洋 九州保健福祉大学保健科学部臨床工学科
著者 竹澤 真吾 九州保健福祉大学保健科学部臨床工学科
【 要旨 】 臨床工学技士養成校における透析医療教育は,座学と実習により構成されている.数式を用いた透析の原理を工学的に教授し,指導を行っている.本学では透析患者のインタビューを通じて学生にコミュニケーションの必要性・臨床工学技士として命を支える専門知識を学ぶうえでの高いモチベーションを提示し,単に筆記による評価のみならず,臨床と教育現場との懸け橋となる教育プログラムを構築し,チーム医療の一員としての教育に力を注いでいる.工学技術評価のみならず患者・医療スタッフとのコミュニケーションが必要不可欠であり,臨床実習先の指導者(バイザー)と養成校教員がともに学生の能力を引き出す教育が必要である.
Theme Certification system for dialysis specialists ; its present status and future in Japan
Title Dialysis medical education and training school for clinical engineer students : current status and issues
Author Yoshihiro Tange Department of Medical Engineering, School of Health Science, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
Author Shingo Takesawa Department of Medical Engineering, School of Health Science, Kyushu University of Health and Welfare
[ Summary ] Dialysis related medical education conducted in training schools for clinical engineers is made up of two components:laboratory and clinical training, as well as intensive lectures. At the Kyushu University of Health and Welfare, we provide an engineering curriculum focused on dialysis treatment. It is presented to students with high levels of motivation to gain the expertise necessary for providing life support. Clinical engineers must learn communication skills used in interviews with medical teams in the university. They are evaluated through written exams and an educational programm to provide a bridge between their education and the clinical environment. An essential part of this education is to make them integral parts of the medical team. Communication with patients and medical staff members is essential, for engineering evaluation, education, nurturing future clinical training leaders and advisors. This education will increase students' knowledge and expertise and ability to adapt in unforseen situations.