臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.6(2-3)

特集名 透析関連専門資格に求められるもの・これからの透析医療教育―現状と課題
題名 [各論/医師]3. 外科系医師と透析専門医:役割と課題
発刊年月 2014年 06月
著者 八木澤 隆 自治医科大学腎泌尿器外科学講座腎臓外科学部門
【 要旨 】 透析治療には多くの外科的手技が必要である.そこで透析知識に加え,一定の外科的技量を有する外科医,あるいは泌尿器科医が参入する診療体系が望まれる.そのためには内科系専門医のみならず,外科系専門医を育成する教育システムも必要で,ここに透析専門医制度の意義がある.外科系医師が透析専門医を取得するための研修カリキュラムや審査条件には内科系,外科系の共通項目に加え,新たに外科系に限定した項目も設定されるべきであろう.日本透析医学会専門医制度の継続と刷新は優れた専門家の育成と透析医療の質の向上に大きく貢献するものである.
Theme Certification system for dialysis specialists ; its present status and future in Japan
Title Board system of dialysis medicine specialists for surgeons/urologists
Author Takashi Yagisawa Division of Renal Surgery and Transplantation, Department of Urology, Jichi Medical University
[ Summary ] Various surgical procedures are performed during dialysis therapy as well as treatment of complications in dialysis patients. Ideally surgeons and/or urologists familiar with dialysis therapy should treat dialysis patients surgically. Twenty-nine percent of the fellows of the Japanese Society for Dialysis Therapy are surgeons/urologists as of 2013. Educational curricula and systems for surgeons/urologists who deal with dialysis patients should be established by new board of medical specialists for dialysis therapy. In addition, surgeons/urologists working in this field should learn more about renal transplantation. Innovations provided by the board system will contribute to cultivation of superior surgeons/urologists who will deliver dialysis therapy and improving dialysis care in Japan.