臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.6(2-11)

特集名 透析関連専門資格に求められるもの・これからの透析医療教育―現状と課題
題名 [各論/臨床工学技士]11. 透析技術認定士
発刊年月 2014年 06月
著者 佐中 孜 社会福祉法人仁生社江戸川病院生活習慣病CKDセンター/医療法人社団靱生会メディカルプラザ市川駅
【 要旨 】 第1回「透析技術認定士」認定試験は,1980年3月16日に実施された.以来,回を重ね,第34回(2013年)までに24,953名が受験し,16,303名が合格している.この合格者を医療資格別に見ると臨床工学技士が8,289名(50.8%),看護師,准看護師がそれぞれ5,124名(31.4%),1,312名(8.0%),その他が1,578 名(9.7%)となっている.
Theme Certification system for dialysis specialists ; its present status and future in Japan
Title Certified Dialysis Technologist
Author Tsutomu Sanaka Edogawa Hospital, Medical Plaza Ichikawaeki
[ Summary ] The first test of "The Certified Dialysis Technologist" examination was conducted on March 16, 1980. Since then, it has been conducted many times. A total of 24,953 individuals had taken it by 2013. A total of 16,303 people have passed the test. Clinical engineers have cared for 8,289 patients (50.8 %). Nurses, and licensed practical nurses have cared for 1,312 (31.4 %) and 5,124 (8.0 %) respectively. A total of 1,578 other patients (9.7 %) have been cared for by other qualified care givers. The diversified medicine of today requires that the needs of holistic medical teams be adressed to achieve these goals.
"The Certified Dialysis Technologists" who pass this examination play an important role in providing life support. This role includes communicating indispensable information to patients and medical staff members. This certification should be renewed every five years.