臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.6(2-1)

特集名 透析関連専門資格に求められるもの・これからの透析医療教育―現状と課題
題名 [各論/医師]1. 透析専門医制度の概要とその改革
発刊年月 2014年 06月
著者 岡田 一義 日本大学医学部附属板橋病院腎臓高血圧内分泌内科
【 要旨 】 透析専門医は,生命維持療法を受けている患者に最善の治療とケアを提供するために不可欠な専門医であり,合併症や偶発症に迅速に対応できる知識と高い技術・技能を習得し,透析チームの責任者としての資質も兼ね備えた専門医である.透析専門医制度は,そのような人材を育成できるように,専門医制度整備指針に準じて,専門研修カリキュラム,専門研修プログラム,専門指導マニュアルなどを整備している.
Theme Certification system for dialysis specialists ; its present status and future in Japan
Title The future certification system for physician dialysis specialists in Japan
Author Kazuyoshi Okada Division of Nephrology, Hypertension and Endocrinology, Department of Internal Medicine, Nihon University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Dialysis specialists are physician specialists who provide crucial treatment to patients receiving life sustaining treatments. The training curriculum, training programs, as well as instruction manuals for dialysis specialists are all currently being revised to meet the guidelines for specialists in certification systems. There reforms will enable us to train dialysis specialists who also have qualities which allow us to lead dialysis teams, we must acquire the knowledge of sophisticated techniques and skills needed to respond quickly to complications and procedural accidents.
Although it is difficult for physician dialysis specialists to be certified as specialists with subspecialty training, we have concerns about the future prospects of these physicians being certified by the Japanese specialty organization as specialists. We firmly believe in the certification process and have makes efforts to create a better specialty certification system. The goal is to have more than one physician dialysis specialist present at each dialysis center across the country.