臨牀透析 Vol.30 No.4(8)

特集名 透析診療のリスク・セーフティマネジメント
題名 透析室安全の国際基準―JCI(Joint Commission International)認定取得から学んだこと
発刊年月 2014年 04月
著者 渋谷 祐子 NTT東日本関東病院高血圧・腎臓内科
著者 新堀 有佳 NTT東日本関東病院高血圧・腎臓内科
著者 越智 裕介 NTT東日本関東病院高血圧・腎臓内科
著者 高橋 紘子 NTT東日本関東病院高血圧・腎臓内科
著者 古殿 孝高 NTT東日本関東病院高血圧・腎臓内科
著者 落合 慈之 NTT東日本関東病院病院長
【 要旨 】 JCI(Joint Commission International,国際病院評価機構)は,世界基準の患者安全,医療の質の改善の実践がなされているかを評価する非営利機関である.日本でも本認証を取得する医療機関が増加しており,当院も,2011年に日本で2番目のJCI認定取得病院となった.このJCI認定取得の準備過程で血液浄化療法における世界基準の患者安全,医療の質とは何かを学んだ.
Theme Preventing medication errors in the dialysis unit
Title Safety of world standards for dialysis patients
Author Yuko Shibuya Department of Hypertension & Nephrology, NTT Medical Center Tokyo
Author Yuka Nihori Department of Hypertension & Nephrology, NTT Medical Center Tokyo
Author Yusuke Ochi Department of Hypertension & Nephrology, NTT Medical Center Tokyo
Author Hiroko Takahashi Department of Hypertension & Nephrology, NTT Medical Center Tokyo
Author Yoshitaka Furuto Department of Hypertension & Nephrology, NTT Medical Center Tokyo
Author Chikayuki Ochiai Hospital Director, NTT Medical Center Tokyo
[ Summary ] The JCI (Joint Commission International) is a nonprofit organization established to continuously improve the safety and quality of care in the international medical community.
NTT Medical Center Tokyo became the second JCI accredited hospital in Japan in 2011. Subsequently, the number of hospitals striving to acquire this certification in Japan has increased. According to the JCI standard, dialysis therapy is regarded as a high-risk procedure and dialysis patients must be identified as being at high―risk. To ensure the appropriateness of dialysis procedures, the JCI requires we provide operation manuals, which must be documented and updated regularly.
During the JCI accreditation process, we learned a great deal about world standards for patient safety and medical quality improvement not only in the field of dialysis but also in other fields.