臨牀透析 Vol.29 No.2(3)

特集名 維持透析患者の消化管疾患 ― 症状からみた傾向と対策
題名 便通異常とその総合対策
発刊年月 2013年 02月
著者 山川 智之 仁真会白鷺病院
【 要旨 】 透析患者において便通異常,とくに便秘は頻度の高い合併症である.その背景には食習慣,薬剤,運動不足など種々の要因がある.便通異常の診断は問診を中心に行うが,患者の心理に対する十分な配慮が必要である.便通異常に対して使われる薬剤にはさまざまなものがあるが,透析患者特有の副作用が生じるものもあり,使用には注意を要する.
Theme Diseases of alimentary tract in maintenance dialysis patients -- tendency and management from a view point of symptomatology
Title Bowel dysfunction in dialysis patients
Author Tomoyuki Yamakawa Kidney Center, Shirasagi Hospital
[ Summary ] Bowel dysfunction, especially constipation, is a common complication observed in hemodialysis patients. Many factors, such as dietary habits, oral medications, and lack of exercise may lead to this dysfunction in hemodialysis patients. The diagnosis of bowel dysfunction in hemodialysis patients should be primarily based on in depth interviews with patients. In these interviews, it is necessary to consider the psychological state of patient. There are many types of effective drugs to combat bowel dysfunciton. It is necessary to consider specific adverse effects which these patients may experience from these drugs.