臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.13(9)

特集名 透析(腎代替療法)導入時期を考える
題名 腎移植医からみた先行的腎移植時期
発刊年月 2012年 12月
著者 宍戸 清一郎 東邦大学医学部小児腎臓学講座
【 要旨 】 近年,安定した腎移植成績をベースとして,透析を経ずに直接腎移植を受ける先行的腎移植(PEKT)を選択する症例が増えている.PEKTの最大のメリットは,慢性腎不全に関連する多彩な合併症を最小限に回避できることである.透析治療に関連する手術侵襲を加えずにすむことも利点の一つである.さらに,PEKTのほうが透析を経験した症例よりも移植後の長期成績(患者生存率,移植腎生着率)が良好であることが証明されており,世界的なPEKTの増加に拍車をかけている.今後本邦でも,末期腎不全における腎代替療法の選択肢として積極的に提示されることになるであろう.
Theme Considering the timing of chronic dialysis (renal replacement therapy) initiation
Title Timing of preemptive kidney transplantation
Author Seiichiro Shishido Department of Pediatric Nephrology, Toho University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] Recently, nearly 25 % of living donor kidney transplants (KT) and 10 % of deceased donor KT cases proceeded without the institution of dialysis. Moreover, 34 % of primary living donor KT and 13 % of deceased donor KT cases involved preemptive treatment of children. This was because these patients had never received maintenance dialysis. Preemptive kidney transplantation (PEKT) offers a significant advantage to recipients by minimizing the disruptive effects of dialysis. Furthermore, adult studies have shown that graft survival rates are better in preemptive transplant recipients compared to recipients who have received pretransplant dialysis. The longer the duration of pretransplant dialysis, the worse the graft survival rates are. It has also been shown this modality reduces the cost of renal replacement therapy. Better long-term graft outcomes have also been demonstrated in many pediatric studies, although pediatric data related to this subject are limited. Therefore, PEKT is expected to become more prevalent in Japan in the near feature.