臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.13(7)

特集名 透析(腎代替療法)導入時期を考える
題名 糖尿病患者における透析導入時期
発刊年月 2012年 12月
著者 入村 泉 東京女子医科大学糖尿病センター内科
著者 馬場園 哲也 東京女子医科大学糖尿病センター内科
【 要旨 】 糖尿病性腎症からの透析導入は年々増加し,現在,透析導入に至る原疾患第1位である.末期腎不全患者における透析導入基準に関しては,厚生省科学研究班が1991年に提唱した臨床症状,腎機能,日常生活の障害度を点数化した慢性腎不全透析導入基準が一般的に用いられている. しかし,末期腎不全糖尿病患者では, 体液貯留をはじめとし,大血管障害などさまざまな合併症を呈していることが多く,低い血清クレアチンでも透析導入になるケースがある.一方で,早すぎる透析導入は,医療費の不必要な増大や患者の生活の質の低下を招く原因となる.今後は,個々の症例の状況に合わせた,透析導入時期を検討する必要がある.
Theme Considering the timing of chronic dialysis (renal replacement therapy) initiation
Title Timing of dialysis initiation for diabetic patients
Author Izumi Nyumura Diabetes Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University School of Medicine
Author Tetsuya Babazono Diabetes Center, Tokyo Women's Medical University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The number of end-stage renal disease (ESRD) patients with diabetes in Japan has increased. As a result, diabetic kidney disease (DKD) has become the number one cause of dialysis initiation. The criteria for dialysis initiation for ESRD patients consists of graded clinical presentations determination of kidney function and kidney levels in daily life. These methods have been used extensively since the Health and Welfare Ministry proposed the criteria in 1991.
However, ESRD patients with DKD experience various complications including accumulation of fluids and macrovascular disease. These complications make it difficult decide on timing to initiate dialysis by examining only renal function. On the other hand, early initiation of dialysis has caused an increase in unnecessary medical spending and has lead to decreased quality of life for these patients. It is necessary to discuss the timing of dialysis initiation, for individuals.