臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.12(1-1-2)

特集名 管理栄養士からみた透析患者の食事療法のポイント -- 新たなエビデンスにつなげるために
題名 外来通院症例から学ぶ (1) 血液透析 2. 維持期(5~10年)
発刊年月 2012年 11月
著者 大矢 昌樹 和歌山県立医科大学腎臓内科学
著者 重松 隆 和歌山県立医科大学腎臓内科学
著者 藤田 寿実子 和歌山県立医科大学管理栄養士
【 要旨 】 維持期の血液透析患者の特徴として,今回は比較的若い患者の食事摂取過剰による透析間体重増加率増大,高リン血症,高カリウム血症についての問題点と食事療法のポイントをいくつか述べる.
Theme Points of dietary therapy for national registered dietitian to establish clinical guideline for nutrition in dialysis patients
Title Nutrition control of sustain dialysis patients
Author Masaki Ohya Department of Nephrology, Wakayama Medical University
Author Takashi Shigematsu Department of Nephrology, Wakayama Medical University
Author Sumiko Fujita Department of Nephrology, Wakayama Medical University, registered dietitian
[ Summary ] Complications concerning younger maintenance dialysis patients are often associated with dietary issues. These issues may include excessive weight increases as well as potassium and phosphorus imbalances. Weight increases are often associated with excessive consumption of salt, often in the form of soy sause. Excessive phosphorus levels may be related to high protein diets. Overly high potassium levels may be attributed to dietary intake of potatoes, sweet potatoes, and fruit, as well as high protein foods. Therefore, diets rich in grains and vegetables and low in protein content are recommended for dialysis patients. Special consideration must be given to elderly dialysis patients to provide adequate levels of nutrition, in spite of reduced dietary intake.