臨牀透析 Vol.28 No.12(1-1-1)

特集名 管理栄養士からみた透析患者の食事療法のポイント -- 新たなエビデンスにつなげるために
題名 外来通院症例から学ぶ (1) 血液透析 1. 透析導入期
発刊年月 2012年 11月
著者 福島 芳子 メディカルプラザ篠崎駅西口
著者 佐中 孜 メディカルプラザ篠崎駅西口・管理栄養士/江戸川病院CKD生活習慣病センター
【 要旨 】 わが国における,2011年末の「わが国の透析療法の現況」によると,透析患者の導入平均年齢は男性66.9歳,女性69.7歳である.透析患者の平均年齢は,66.5歳で,2009年より0.7歳増加した.
Theme Points of dietary therapy for national registered dietitian to establish clinical guideline for nutrition in dialysis patients
Title Hemodialysis and elderly patients
Author Yoshiko Fukushima Medical Plaza Shinozaki Station West
Author Tsutomu Sanaka Medical Plaza Shinozaki Station West / Lifestyle Disease and CKD Center, Edogawa General Hospital
[ Summary ] In relation to the "current status of dialysis therapy in Japan", at the end of 2011 the average age for patients to be introduced to dialysis was 66.9 years and 69.7 years for males and females, respectively. The average age of dialysis patients was 66.5 in 2009. Therefore, patient age increased 0.7 year from 2009 to 2011. Although this is a reflection of the aging of the population of our country, the situation has far exceeded our expectations. In other words, the number of common disorders seen in elderly patients such as diabetic nephropathy and nephrosclerosis, due to aging, have increased steadily and more quickly than expected. This has lead to an increase in the number of elderly dialysis patients.
At this time, nutritional therapy to combat CKD, must encompass traditional protein, salt, and phosphorus restrictions, as well as anti-atherogenic, anti-aging and healthy aging components, which are required in the periods before and after commencement of dialysis therapy.