臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.8(2-7)

特集名 慢性腎臓病(CKD)と認知症
題名 [各論― CKDにおける認知症]認知症透析患者に対する看護の関わり
発刊年月 2011年 07月
著者 大坪 みはる 葉山ハートセンター・看護師
著者 水附 裕子 葉山ハートセンター・看護師
【 要旨 】 認知症透析患者の増加は,これまでセルフマネジメントを主体とする看護の関わりとは異なる新たな工夫の必要を意味している.すなわち,透析中の安全や介護にかかる業務の増加と対応の多様化である.セルフマネジメントができない患者の場合,食事,水分,服薬,バスキュラーアクセスの管理および通院など治療に欠かせない行動をそのレベルに応じてサポートする存在が必要となる.対象患者の変化に対応するには,透析中の自己抜針防止対策,認知症患者の理解と対応スキルの向上,家族支援や地域の専門職との連携など患者の個性に合わせたきめこまかな看護の関わりが重要である.
Theme Dementia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Title Nursing care for dialysis patients with dementia
Author Miharu Otsubo Department of Nursing, Hayama Heart Center
Author Yuko Mizutsuki Department of Nursing, Hayama Heart Center
[ Summary ] An increase in the number of dialysis patients with dementia has meant that new tools, different from those currently being employed for nursing, primarily composed of self-management techniques, are required. There has been an increased diversification in the number of dialysis safety management and dialysis nursing tasks used. In the case of patients who cannot manage their own care, care based support is indispensable for basic needs such as going to the hospital, meal management, water intake, and being sure patients take medicines according to instructions. To respond to dialysis patients changing needs, good nurse-patient relations must be matched to the individual patient’s wants and needs. It is important, that preventative measures such as patient initiated needle removal during dialysis, an understanding of basic nursing skills related to dementia patients, ability of nurses to help provide family support and cooperation with regional professional all be provided through the nursing system.