臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.8(2-4)

特集名 慢性腎臓病(CKD)と認知症
題名 [各論― CKDにおける認知症]認知症透析患者と終末期医療
発刊年月 2011年 07月
著者 大平 整爾 札幌北クリニック
【 要旨 】 認知症患者は意思表明能や意思決定能が障害されており,種々の状況下で治療方針の決定に困難が伴う.重度認知症患者では,治療方針決定は代理人によって行わざるをえない.代理判断者は通常の精神レベルを取り戻しえない人々の尊厳ある余生を,(1) 患者の事前指示(書)に従うか,(2) 会話などから推測するか,(3) これらが不明であれば患者に最善な策を探って採るかで決定することになる.通常,代理人には家族がなることを社会通念上慣例とするが,成人後見制度における療養・看護には終末期医療の意思決定に関する事項は含まれないと法律家は解釈している.代理判断がそもそも難しいうえに,法的制度の欠如もあって,当事者を悩ませている.
Theme Dementia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Title End of life care for dialysis patients with dementia
Author Seiji Ohira Sapporo Kita Clinic
[ Summary ] The ability of dementia patients to express themselves or make decisions is impaired. Deciding on treatment policies under these conditions presents many problems. If the degree of dementia is severe, decisions concerning the patient’s treatment must be made by a third party, a surrogate. The surrogate must decide how to maintain life with dignity for an individual who will not be able to regain their normal mental abilities. This may be accomplished by following written instructions previously provided by the patient. Instructions may be derived from conversations, etc. If the previous sources of instructions are not available, then the best possible choice must be made after thorough investigation. Normally a family member will become the surrogate. However, convalescence and nursing under the Adult Guardianship System does not include information regarding end of life decision making as interpreted by lawyers. Surrogate decision making is difficult because of a lack of support by the legal system. Therefore, it is a cause of great anxiety for all concerned.