臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.8(1-1)

特集名 慢性腎臓病(CKD)と認知症
題名 [総論]認知症とは
発刊年月 2011年 07月
著者 渡邊 さつき 東京医科歯科大学医歯学総合研究科心療緩和医療学分野
著者 松浦 雅人 東京医科歯科大学医歯学総合研究科保健衛生学研究科生命情報機能解析学分野
【 要旨 】 わが国は,2005年に超高齢社会(65歳以上の高齢者比率が21%を超える社会)となった.今後,医療現場では認知症への対応が必要とされる場面がこれまで以上に増えることが予想される.認知症とは記憶障害とともに多彩な認知障害を呈する症候群で,社会生活の障害を引き起こす.従来は「痴呆」の呼称が用いられてきたが,2004年に「認知症」と変更された.認知症の原因は,神経変性疾患や脳血管障害をはじめとして多岐にわたり,診断に際しては加齢による記憶力低下,せん妄,うつ病などの鑑別が重要である.わが国で行われた地域的な疫学調査では,65歳以上の認知症有病率は7~8%と報告され,増加傾向にあることが示されている.
Theme Dementia in Patients with Chronic Kidney Disease
Title What is dementia?
Author Satsuki Watanabe Section of Liaison Psychiatry and Palliative Medicine, Graduate School of Medical and Dental Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
Author Masato Matsuura Department of Life Sciences and Bioinformatics, Graduate School of Health Care Sciences, Tokyo Medical and Dental University
[ Summary ] Japan has been labeled the "super-aged" society with 21 % of the population being 65 years and over in 2005. It is projected that there will be a greater need to treat more people with dementia in hospitals and clinics in the future. Dementia is a syndrome which exhibits memory impairment and various forms of cognitive impairment. These symptoms eventually impair the ability to carry out daily activities. The term "Chi-ho" in Japanese was equivalent to "dementia" but it is no longer accepted by our society. "Ninchi-sho" is the current term developed by the Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare in 2004. There are many causes of dementia, including neurodegenerative diseases and cerebrovascular diseases. It is important to distinguish dementia from the normal aging process, delirium, or depression. Some regional epidemiologic researches have revealed that the prevalence of dementia in Japan was 7 to 8 % of people who are 65 years and over. According to those researches there have been a gradual increase in the number of people with dementia.