臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.2(3)

特集名 透析医療と他科連携 -- 見逃しやすい疾患を中心に
題名 歯科(口腔外科)【高齢透析患者の摂食・嚥下障害の早期発見のために】
発刊年月 2011年 02月
著者 寺本 浩平 日本大学歯学部摂食機能療法学講座
著者 戸原 玄 日本大学歯学部摂食機能療法学講座
【 要旨 】 摂食・嚥下障害は早期発見が困難であり,高齢透析患者においても例外ではない.現場から的確な患者を精査場面に上げるまでが現場の役割であるとすれば,ある程度正確な知識と評価法が重要となる.しかし,障害の程度や症状は多岐にわたるため,すべての検査項目を短絡的に適用すべきものでもない.さらに摂食・嚥下障害は自覚症状が少なく,また高齢化・認知症といった要素が加われば背景となる情報はより得にくくなる.そのため,できるだけ広い視野に立った問診事項や評価方法の重要性が著しく高い.本稿では,精査を必要とする患者を効率的にピックアップするための評価法を紹介する.
Theme Working in Cooperation with Other Departments for Dialysis Treatment -- Centered Mainly on Easily Overlooked Conditions
Title Strategies for early detection of dysphagia
Author Kohei Teramoto Department of Dysphagia Rehabilitation, Nihon University School of Dentistry
Author Haruka Tohara Department of Dysphagia Rehabilitation, Nihon University School of Dentistry
[ Summary ] Dysphagia is difficult to detect in the early stages. This is also the case for elderly dyalysis patients. When medical staffs must employ appropriate precise evaluations, it is important that they have accurate knowledge to evaluate the patients' stage. However, when symptoms are severe and widespread examinations should not be over used. In addition, when dysphagia produces less subjective symptoms and dementia or age are factors, it becomes more difficult to gather the patients' background information. As a result, a broad outlook for interviews and evaluations is significantly important when consulting patients. This paper will present methods for conducting efficient screenings of patients who require precise evaluation.