臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.2(1)

特集名 透析医療と他科連携 -- 見逃しやすい疾患を中心に
題名 眼科【白内障・緑内障・糖尿病網膜症の治療の進歩】
発刊年月 2011年 02月
著者 佐藤 健一 日鋼記念病院眼科
【 要旨 】 透析患者の白内障有病率はきわめて高い.日常生活に支障をきたす程度の視力障害が生じた場合,手術を考慮する.透析患者の白内障手術の難易度がとくに高いことはないが,忌むべき術中合併症である駆逐性出血の危険因子を透析患者は有していることが多い点を忘れてはならない.緑内障の有病率は一般住民と大きく変わらない.自覚症状に乏しい場合が多く,いったん障害された視機能は改善しないため,早期発見が重要である.糖尿病性腎症を原疾患とする透析患者の割合が増加し,糖尿病網膜症を有する透析患者も多い.透析導入とともに糖尿病網膜症は改善することが多いが,以後も定期的眼科受診は必須である.
Theme Working in Cooperation with Other Departments for Dialysis Treatment -- Centered Mainly on Easily Overlooked Conditions
Title Glaucoma, cataracts and diabetic retinopathy : ocular complications in dialysis patients
Author Ken-ichi Sato Department of Ophthalmology, Nikko Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] The prevalence of cataracts in dialysis patients is extremely high. Cataract surgery should be considered when visual disturbances due to cataracts interfere with patients daily lives. Performing cataract surgery on dialysis patients is relatively safe, although it should be noted that dialysis patients usually have multiple risk factors including expulsive hemorrhaging, one of the most severe intraoperative complications. The prevalence of glaucoma in dialysis patients is comparable to that of the general population.
Because of poor subjective symptoms especially in the early stages and difficulties in improving visual field defects once they become advanced, early detection of chronic glaucoma is essential to prevent enduring severe visual loss. The number of dialysis patients with diabetic retinopathy is increasing, in proportion to those with diabetic nephropathy as their primary condition. It is already known that the activity of diabetic retinopathy decreases after dialysis initiation. Nevertheless, regular examination of the fundus is essential even after initiation.