臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.11(2-5)

特集名 透析患者の家族支援を再考する
題名 [各論]腹膜透析患者の家族支援
発刊年月 2011年 10月
著者 野上 昌代 小倉記念病院・看護師
著者 篠崎 倫哉 九州厚生年金病院腎臓内科
著者 金井 英俊 小倉記念病院腎臓内科
【 要旨 】 腹膜透析(PD)になぜ家族支援が必要なのか,その背景には患者の高齢化や合併症の多様化などがある.PD治療において介助は欠かせない場面が多く,家族の支援は不可欠である.当院では保存期の教育として,家族参加型の腎臓病教室を開催し,教育入院をしていない患者は,病棟でのPD見学と患者の体験談を聞いてもらう.PDを選択した患者は,入院前に施行者とサポーターの確保を行っている.また,退院前の在宅カンファレンスを行い,必要時は在宅訪問も行っている.患者・家族の負担が重くならないように,後方支援にも力を入れている.当院でもさまざまな取組みを行っているが,PDをいかに継続していけるかのサポート体制を整え,患者・患者家族が快適に日常生活を送れるように援助していくことがもっとも重要であると考えている.
Theme Reconsidering of Support for Dialysis Patients' Families
Title Family support for patients who require CAPD
Author Masayo Nogami Kokura Memorial Hospital
Author Michiya Shinozaki Kyushu Kousei Nenkin Hospital
Author Hidetoshi Kanai Kokura Memorial Hospital
[ Summary ] In relation to PD treatment, family support is a vital factor, while this is true, in most cases, nursing care is essential to provide care for aged patients or those with various complications. Before the dialysis treatment begins patient education must be provided. We must invite patients' families to the hospital and hold study sessions on renal failure. If the patient has not received any in hospital training, we ask him or her to observe PD treatment and listen to the experiences and opinions of patients who are receiving PD treatment. If the patient decides to receive PD treatment, we make sure that the patient has his or her own CAPD practitioner and assistant supporter before hospital admission. We also have discussions about home care before hospital discharge. If necessary, we visit patients at home. To lessen the burden on both patients and their families, we emphasize the assistance available when referring patients to home-visit caregivers or local hospitals/clinics. Our hospital has been trying a number of methods to make our patients and their families' everyday lives as comfortable as possible. In order to actually make that happen, there is a need to improve and organize support systems which will enable patients and their families to continue PD treatment. We believe that support in this field should be our first priority.