臨牀透析 Vol.27 No.11(1-2)

特集名 透析患者の家族支援を再考する
題名 [総論]慢性疾患患者の家族心理とケア
発刊年月 2011年 10月
著者 桐明 あゆみ 久留米大学医学部看護学科・看護師
【 要旨 】 慢性疾患患者の療養生活には,さまざまな制約に伴うストレスが起こり,またその制約を受ける患者を見守る家族は大きな負担を抱える.システム理論の見地からは,慢性疾患の患者と家族の心理は強く影響し合うとされる.さらに,慢性疾患の特徴からも,患者と家族の関係性において,さまざまなひずみが起こる危険性がある.家族への支援は家族の負担を軽減するのみではなく,患者のセルフケアを促進するという意味においても重要である.患者と家族が危機的状況に陥ることを予防するためには,「家族の感情表出を促す」「役割の調整と支援体制の構築」「ニーズに合わせた教育的支援」などがある.これらの支援は,個々の患者と家族の状況を十分アセスメントしたうえで行われる必要がある.
Theme Reconsidering of Support for Dialysis Patients' Families
Title Psychological support for families of chronic disease patients
Author Ayumi Kiriake Kurume University School of Nursing
[ Summary ] The lifestyles of people with chronic diseases are restricted in various ways. Treatment to achieve recuperation causes a great deal of stress for patients. Families who watch over patients shoulder severe burdens too.
Support for families consists of not only lightening the burdens experienced by family members, but also providing improvements in self-care for patients. The psychology involved influences both family members and patients. Relations between family members and patients may be degraded during long term recuperation periods. Steps must be taken to prevent families and patients from falling into crisis situations. Therefore, it is necessary to promote the healthy expression of emotions by family members, so they may play their proper roles as part of a support system. Health based education for family members must be provided according to their individual needs. These support systems must be put into practice in relation to assessment of overall patient situations.