臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.9(2-1)

特集名 透析医療において公的資金・医療保険制度をいかに活用するか
題名 要介護透析患者への在宅支援の現状と問題点 (1) 医師の立場から ―在宅Drネットを利用した在宅医療
発刊年月 2010年 08月
著者 宮崎 正信 宮崎内科/NPO法人長崎在宅Drネット
著者 安中 正和 安中外科・脳外科/NPO法人長崎在宅Drネット
著者 西野 友哉 長崎大学第二内科
著者 錦戸 雅春 長崎大学血液浄化療法部
著者 古巣 朗 長崎大学第二内科
著者 河野 茂 長崎大学第二内科
【 要旨 】 透析人口の高齢化によって,介護を要する透析患者も急増している.要介護在宅透析は,腹膜透析が主体となるが,その実施には,介護との連携が必須である.保険上の制約も多いが,工夫をすることにより,普及できる余地は大いにあると思われる.まだ関係者の熱意により支えられている要介護在宅腹膜透析であるが,患者や家族のQOLは在宅医療として素晴らしいものがある.どのようにすれば,その地域で普及がはかれるか,経験した成功事例を共有し,知恵を出しながら,その普及に努めることが必要である.
Theme How Should We Make Full Use Public Funds and Medical Insurance Systems in Dialysis Therapy
Title Status and problems in home medical care for dialysis patients : From the viewpoint of doctor -- home medical care by the use of home Dr network
Author Masanobu Miyazaki Miyazaki Naika Clinic / Nagasaki Home Care Dr. Network
Author Masakazu Yasunaka Yasunaka Neurosurgery Clinic / Nagasaki Home Care Dr. Network
Author Tomoya Nishino Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
Author Masaharu Nishikido Division of Blood Purification, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
Author Akira Furusu Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
Author Shigeru Kohno Second Department of Internal Medicine, Nagasaki University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The age of the dialysis population has increased rapidly, making in home care necessary, especially for elderly dialysis patients. Compared with hemodialysis, peritoneal dialysis (PD) is more applicable for elderly patients because of reduced effects on the cardiovascular system and less need for restricted water and food consumption. There are many constraints built into the Japanese medical insurance system. By knowing this complex system well, we can help provide care for patients receiving in home care for assistant PD. To promote in home PD, collaboration between medical and nursing proffessionals is essential. In Nagasaki city, the "Nagasaki Home care Dr. Network" supports in home care through many types of medical links. By applying this system, we are trying to establish a system to support elderly PD patients. Since the condition of individual patients and their families is quite different, by gathering information on successful cases, we can share the our acquired wisdom concerning in home PD care.