臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.6(2-2)

特集名 維持透析患者の整形外科的疾患―手術の適応と非適応
題名 [各論]透析肩
発刊年月 2010年 06月
著者 橋詰 博行 笠岡第一病院整形外科
著者 佐藤 亮三 笠岡第一病院整形外科
著者 原田 和博 笠岡第一病院内科
著者 名越 充 笠岡第一病院整形外科
【 要旨 】 透析アミロイド症に起因する自発的な仰臥位肩痛(SPSP)は,10年を超える長期維持透析患者における特徴的な症状である.SPSPの主因は,肩峰下滑液包と腱板へのアミロイド沈着による肩峰下腔の内圧増加である.これらの病変は,肩峰下腔の減圧を目的とした最小侵襲の内視鏡下烏口肩峰靱帯解離術(ECLR)により治療可能である.平均15年間透析を受けている100例133肩に対してECLRを局所麻酔下に行った.平均予後調査期間は,3年3カ月であった.SPSPは術直後に92%で消失した.日本整形外科学会肩関節治療判定基準で術前平均62点から術後90点に改善した.早期再発率は5%(7肩)であり,いずれも再度のECLRを要した.ECLR無効例は11例(8%)であった.
Theme Orthopedic Diseases Seen in Maintenance Dialysis Patients -- Surgical Indication and Non-indication
Title Haemodialysis shoulder
Author Hiroyuki Hashizume Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kasaoka Daiichi Hospital
Author Ryouzou Sato Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kasaoka Daiichi Hospital
Author Kazuhiro Harada Department of Internal Medicine, Kasaoka Daiichi Hospital
Author Mitsuru Nagoshi Department of Orthopaedic Surgery, Kasaoka Daiichi Hospital
[ Summary ] Spontaneous shoulder pain in supine position (SPSP) induced by dialysis-related amyloidosis is a characteristic symptom which occurs in over-10-year long-term haemodialysis patients. The main cause of SPSP is an increase in subacromial pressure induced by amyloid deposits in the subacromial bursa and rotator cuff. These lesions can be treated with a minimally invasive endoscopic coraco-acromial ligament release (ECLR) procedure with the goal being the decompression of the subacromial space. 100 patients (133 shoulders) who had received dialysis for an average of 15 years underwent ECLR procedures under local anesthesia.The mean follow-up period was 3 years and 3 months. SPSP immediately disappeared in 92% of the cases. The average JOA score improved from 62 to 90 after the operations. The early recurrence rate was 5% (7 shoulders), for which additional ECLR was required. ECLR was not an effective modality for 11 shoulders.