臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.6(1-1)

特集名 維持透析患者の整形外科的疾患―手術の適応と非適応
題名 [総論]整形外科医からみた維持透析患者の骨関節障害
発刊年月 2010年 06月
著者 加藤 義治 東京女子医科大学整形外科
【 要旨 】 維持透析患者の骨関節障害の病因は,β2-MG沈着から始まる骨関節破壊で,四肢関節のみならず脊椎にも起こる.この病態は高骨代謝回転型の線維性骨炎から低骨代謝回転型の無形成骨まであり,無形成骨では偽関節,骨癒合不全が多い.全身状態の良くない維持透析患者においても保存治療無効の骨折例,重度の神経麻痺例,激烈な疼痛を示す関節破壊例などが絶対的手術適応であるが,術前の心臓,呼吸機能検査により手術の可否を検討する.実際の整形外科的手術においては,心臓関連合併症,消化管出血への注意,電解質・水分の出納管理,大量出血対策,薬剤性臓器障害が重要である.とくに出血の多い整形外科的手術では十分な輸血,血小板の準備,血圧対策を行う.
Theme Orthopedic Diseases Seen in Maintenance Dialysis Patients -- Surgical Indication and Non-indication
Title Surgical indications for and perioperative management of orthopaedic patients with dialysis-associated spondyloarthropathy
Author Yoshiharu Kato The Orthopedic Department, Tokyo Women's Medical University
[ Summary ] In dialysis patients β2-microglobulin (β2-MG) induce joint enthesopathy, initially resulting in the spondyloarthropathy and destruction of bone and cartilage. The pathogenesis of these lesions depends on the degree of bone turnover ranging from osteitis fibrosa (high) to aplastic bone conditions (low). Many cases of pseudoarthrosis arise in aplastic bone. Aabsolute indications for surgery are fractures refractory to conservative management, serious paralysis and severe arthropathy with serious pain as well as limited ROM. Care givers must decide whether surgical management is indicated or not by evaluating cardiac and pulmonary functions preoperatively. For orthopaedic surgery we must treat cardiac complications and intestinal bleeding as well as control mineral balance, perform transfusions and administer many medications. We must prepare adequate quantities of blood and platelets for transfusions as well as control blood pressure during surgery.