臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.4(2-1)

特集名 血液透析効率の評価法について再考する
題名 各種性能指標の基礎と最近の問題点(1)ダイアライザの性能評価式(K,KoA
発刊年月 2010年 04月
著者 福田 誠 姫路獨協大学医療保健学部臨床工学科
【 要旨 】 ダイアライザの性能評価式や性能評価法は,すでに長年にわたって検討され定められてきている.血液浄化業務に携わる臨床工学技士やその他の医療スタッフは,これらの経緯を踏まえ,基礎を理解し評価することが重要である.
Theme Performance Evaluations for Blood Purification Devices and Characteristics of Dialysis Adequacy Indices
Title Equations and methods for evaluating dialyzer solute removal performance
Author Makoto Fukuda Department of Medical Engineering, School of Healthcare Science, Himeji Dokkyo University
[ Summary ] The equations and methods for evaluating dialyzer solute removal performance have been studied and utilized for some time. It's important for clinical engineers to understand the logic based background of these systems to utilize these equations and methods.
With the higher performance of dialyzers and newly developed monitoring methods for improving the performance of dialyzers, which have been introduced, the equations and methods previously used for evaluating solute removal performance of dialyzers are often not suitable for present conditions. Therefore, we must utilize these equations and methods while considering present treatment conditions.