臨牀透析 Vol.26 No.11(2-4)

特集名 透析看護の実践 (1)透析中のケアとその有用性
題名 症状別ケアとその効果 (4) 発熱
発刊年月 2010年 10月
著者 山本ひろ子 NPO法人日本看護キャリア開発センター・看護師
【 要旨 】 透析患者の発熱の原因はさまざまである.まずは,感染性疾患か非感染性疾患であるかを見極めることが重要である.さらには,バスキュラーアクセスや透析機器など,透析患者特有の原因も考える必要がある.透析患者は免疫機能低下があり,易感染状態にあるため,発熱を訴える場合は,早期診断・治療が必要である.発熱中に透析をすることは,肉体的・精神的な苦痛を伴う.看護師は,発熱が透析中に及ぼす影響を理解し,患者身辺のケアはもちろん,精神的な関わりが重要となる.
Theme Nursing Care During Dialysis Treatment and Its Usefulnessy
Title Pain reduction for patients with fever
Author Hiroko Yamamoto NPO-corporation Japan Nursing Carrier Development Center
[ Summary ] There are various causes of fevers in dialysis patients. First, it is important to assess whether they are due to non-infectious or infectious conditions. In addition, dialysis equipment and vascular access must be considered as causative factors for dialysis patients. Immune dysfunction may arise in dialysis patients, because of their compromised states. If fever is experienced, early diagnosis and treatment is required. Fever during dialysis due to physical conditions may lead to complications painful. Nurses must closely monitor patients' body temperature as well as their mental conditions.