臨牀透析 Vol.25 No.6(5)

特集名 透析医療における安全性をどう確保するか -- Safety Management
題名 ますます重要になるヒューマン・コミュニケーションと教育
発刊年月 2009年 06月
著者 藤田 譲 白鷺病院医療福祉科・ソーシャルワーカー
著者 中西 秀紀 白鷺病院医療安全管理科
【 要旨 】 今日では患者や家族からの暴力・暴言に対し,医療従事者が悩まされることが多くなった.この状況が続けば,安全に医療が提供できなくなり,最悪の場合,医療の質の低下を招きかねないという意味で,深刻な問題といえよう.本稿では,筆者らの職場での例を紹介するとともに,院内暴力の誘因の一つとされるコミュニケーションの問題について触れてみた.今後の課題としては,医療従事者のコミュニケーション能力の向上と,一般市民へも影響が及ぶという観点からの社会への啓発活動への取組みが考えられる.
Theme Dialysis Safety Management Issues
Title Importance of communication and training for dialysis staffs
Author Joe Fujita Division of Social Work, Shirasagi Hospital
Author Hideki Nakanishi Department of Medical Safety Management, Shirasagi Hospital
[ Summary ] At this time, medical staff members are suffering from incidents of unexpected violence from patients or their families. This is new and severe problem for medical staff members because they cannot safely perform their duties. In this article, we introduce our trial in Jinshin-kai and problems related to communication between medical staff members and patients. In relation to resolving issues and preventing violence from patients or their families, we recommend that medical staff members be trained in communicating with patients and their families. Medical staff members who suffer from violencedirected towards them, need to also learn how and when to report these incidents. These measures area key to continuing to supply high quality medical care.