臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.4(2-4)

特集名 透析医療における臨床研究の現状と課題
題名 透析合併症 (4) 骨ミネラル代謝異常
発刊年月 2008年 04月
著者 駒場 大峰 神戸大学医学部附属病院腎臓内科/腎・血液浄化センター
著者 深川 雅史 神戸大学医学部附属病院腎臓内科/腎・血液浄化センター
【 要旨 】 わが国の「透析患者における二次性副甲状腺機能亢進症治療ガイドライン」は,慢性腎臓病に伴う骨ミネラル代謝異常 (CKD-MBD) へのパラダイムシフトを受けて,生命予後をアウトカムとして治療方針が決定された.しかしガイドライン作成に際し,日本から発信されたエビデンスは十分でなく,欧米のエビデンスも多く採用されている.日本は世界でもっとも良質な透析医療を提供していることがDOPPSなどでも示されており,エビデンスを提供して国際的に貢献しなければならない立場にある.今後はこのガイドラインを踏み台にして,日本独自の臨床研究を行い,世界に発信し続けると同時に,ガイドラインの妥当性を検証し,二次性副甲状腺機能亢進症以外の骨ミネラル代謝異常に関してもカバーできる広範なガイドラインを作成することが望まれる.
Theme Current Problem of Clinical Studies in Dialysis Therapy
Title Disorders of mineral and bone metabolism in dialysis patients
Author Hirotaka Komaba Division of Nephrology and Kidney Center, Kobe University School of Medicine
Author Masafumi Fukagawa Division of Nephrology and Kidney Center, Kobe University School of Medicine
[ Summary ] The Japanese Society of Dialysis Therapy released guidelines for the treatment of secondary hyperparathyroidism in chronic dialysis patients (JSDT guidelines) in 2006. Recently, chronic kidney disease-mineral bone disorder has been recognized as a systemic disease, which has a greatly deleterious impact on cardiovascular mortality. Accordingly, the JSDT guidelines follow this paradigm shift in disease modality and set a priority not on improvements in bone abnormalities but on improvements in survival of dialysis patients. However, since there has been little evidence gathered in Japan, many JSDT guidelines were established based on evidence from Western countries. Nevertheless, the excellence of dialysis treatment in Japan has been shown by the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS), and Japanese nephrologists should contribute to progress in improving outcomes of dialysis treatment worldwide. From this point of view, the JSDT guidelines could well be used as a stepping stone for further research. Clinical evidence from Japan should be accumulated, to increase the level of the guidelines and to make the guidelines cover a wider range of mineral bone disorders.