臨牀透析 Vol.24 No.10(3)

特集名 維持透析患者の心の動き -- 「うつ」を中心に
題名 維持透析患者の「うつ」に関する国際比較
発刊年月 2008年 09月
著者 佐田 憲映 岡山大学大学院医歯薬学総合研究科腎・免疫・内分泌代謝内科学
著者 福原 俊一 京都大学大学院医学研究科医療疫学分野
【 要旨 】 世界12カ国が参加して行った透析患者における治療方法と予後に関する大規模な疫学研究 (DOPPS) において,その主要アウトカム指標の一つに健康関連QOLが位置づけられている.DOPPSの報告のなかでQOLを構成する重要な要素であるメンタルヘルスについて分析が行われ,「うつ」に関する診療実態や他のアウトカムとの関連が報告されている.これらの分析から,軽度以上の「うつ」症状を自覚している患者は,わが国においても約40 %と他11カ国 (平均44 %) と比較して同等であるにもかかわらず,医師により「うつ」と診断されている患者は約2 %と,他国の17 %と比較して極端に低い.また,わが国では透析患者の「うつ」症状に対して,他国と比較して抗うつ薬の処方割合が低く,その一方でベンゾジアゼピン系薬剤の単独処方割合が高いこと,しかもこの単独処方が高い死亡率と関連することなどが明らかになっている.適切な診断・治療を行うことで透析患者のアウトカムの改善が期待される.
Theme Maintenance Dialysis Patients -- Their Fluctnating Minds with Special References to “Depression”
Title International comparison of depression in hemodialysis patients
Author Ken-ei Sada Department of Medicine and Clinical Science, Okayama University Graduate School of Medicine, Dentistry and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Author Shunichi Fukuhara Epidemiology and Healthcare Research, Graduate School of Medicine and Public Health, Kyoto University
[ Summary ] Health-related QOL was one major outcome variable present in a large scale international outcome study conducted in relation to the Dialysis Outcomes and Practice Patterns Study (DOPPS). One of the authors of this study conducted an analysis of the prevalence of symptoms of depression as measures with CES-D (Center of Epidemiological Studies Depression Screening Index) and in relation to physician-diagnosed depression, treatments for depression, and the association of these techniques with outcomes such as death. In that study, underdiagnosis was much more common and critical in Japan than in any of 11 other DOPPS countries (2 % vs 17 %), even though the prevalence of depressive symptoms, as indicated by high CES-D scores were similar in Japan to those seen elsewhere (40 % vs 44 %). Concerning treatment techniques, antidepressants were much less prescribed in Japan only 1 % vs 13 % elsewhere. Even patients with physician-diagnosed depression received this medication only 16 % of the time in Japan vs 34 % elsewhere. Instead, benzodiazepine without antidepressants (monotherapy) was commonly used. Proportional relationships (higher CES-D scores are more prevalently used with benzodiazepines monotherapy) are observed in Japan only. In Japan, the prescription of benzodiazepine monotherapy alone was associated with higher mortality rates in hemodialysis patients. Appropriate diagnosis and treatment for patients with depressive symptoms may further reduce mortality in Japan.