臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.3(2-1)

特集名 腎不全医療に携わる看護職の能力評価と継続教育
題名 看護師に対する継続教育の課題 (1) 新人看護師に対する教育 (プリセプター制度)
発刊年月 2007年 03月
著者 岡山 ミサ子 新生会第一病院・看護師
著者 松井 みゆき 新生会第一病院・看護師
【 要旨 】 透析室に配属された新人看護師は,新卒だけでなく既卒でさまざまな経験がある看護師も多く,透析特有の知識・技術の修得が必要である.それらの新人看護師を透析室の環境・透析患者との関わりなどにうまく適応させながら成長を支援していくことが必要である.当院の新人看護師とプリセプターの実態,プリセプターシップの体制,新人教育の実践を紹介しながら,新人看護師・プリセプターの支援のポイントとして以下の3点からまとめた.(1) 安全で確実な透析技術の修得.(2) 透析患者の理解とコミュニケーション技術の修得.(3) チーム全体で新人看護師・プリセプターを支える体制.
Theme Evaluation Ability of Nurses and Continuing Education for Nursing Involved in Renal Replacement Therapy
Title Education for new nurses (Mentor system)
Author Misako Okayama Department of Nursing, Shinseikai Dai-ichi Hospital, Hemodialysis Center
Author Miyuki Matsui Department of Nursing, Shinseikai Dai-ichi Hospital, Hemodialysis Center
[ Summary ] Nurses newly assigned to dialysis centers include not only recent graduates but also many nurses who have years of experience. They need to acquire the special knowledge and techniques necessary at dialysis centers. We must support these nurses so that they can adapt to the environment of the dialysis center and their relations with dialysis patients. The actual working conditions of new nurses and mentors the system of mentorship and education for new nurses at our hospital are introduced. The support for new nurses and their mentors may be summarized in the three follwing categories : 1. acquiring safe, dependable techniques for dialysis therapy. 2. understanding dialysis patients and development of communication skills. 3. relating to support systems for new nurses, including their mentors as a whole team.