臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.11(2)

特集名 透析室のベッドサイドケア技術
題名 透析患者の心理的特徴とスタッフの対応
発刊年月 2007年 10月
著者 大平 整爾 札幌北クリニック
【 要旨 】 腎不全患者は,透析療法を「拒否→怒り→交渉→うつ」の過程を経て「受容」するに至る.いったん受容の段階に達して透析が開始されるが,療法の実態を実感するとその心理は行きつ戻りつし,基本的にうつ傾向を呈する.患者の心を落ち込ませ不安を募らせる種々の要因が存在するためであるが,その表現型はその患者の本来の性格にも影響されてさまざまなパターンを採る.透析スタッフは患者の心理的な変動を理解し絶えず話し掛けられやすい態度を示し,患者の訴えを共感を抱きつつ傾聴する姿勢をとらなければならない.要に応じて自答式うつ簡便診断法 (SDS,BDI,CES-Dなど) を用い,結果によってはリエゾン精神医学に対診を依頼すべきである.しかし,もっとも重要な要綱は,日々の透析時における患者との真筆な応対と注意深い観察にある.
Theme Skills of Bedside Care in Dialysis Treatment
Title Psychological characteristics of dialysis patients and management by dialysis staff
Author Seiji Ohira Sapporo Kita Clinic
[ Summary ] End-stage renal disease patients reach an acceptance of dialysis therapy by progressing through a process of “denial”, “anger”, “negotiation” and “depression”. Once therapy has been “accepted” and begun, patients are apt to show emotional rebounding faced with the reality of the therapy, and then may enter a depressive state. This is chiefly because there are various factors which cause them anxiety. However, the expression of patients' depressive or anxious states varies widely, depending upon their basic character. The dialysis staff should understand psychological changes in dialysis patients and listen to patients carefully and sympathetically. If necessary, simple self-rating screening depression diagnostic tools such as SDS, BDI and CES-D, which have been reported to be effective for measuring the presence and severity of depressive symptomatology, should be employed and patients referred to a liaison psychiatrist according to the results. It must be kept in mind that the most important points are careful treatment and observation.