臨牀透析 Vol.23 No.11(1)

特集名 透析室のベッドサイドケア技術
題名 透析患者の身体的特徴
発刊年月 2007年 10月
著者 中山 昌明 東北大学大学院医学系研究科腎不全対策研究講座
【 要旨 】 透析患者の身体的特徴を適切に把握するうえで念頭におくべき点は,第一に,透析患者とは基本的には腎機能が廃絶した患者であること,第二に,長期透析により固有の合併症が発症すること,そして,第三に,基礎疾患として糖尿病や動脈硬化を高い頻度で併発している患者群であることの3点である.透析患者の身体的異常は,これらの医学的特性を踏まえて体系的に把握する必要がある.
Theme Skills of Bedside Care in Dialysis Treatment
Title Characteristic pathological indications for dialysis patients
Author Masaaki Nakayama Research Division of Dialysis and Chronic Kidney Disease, Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine
[ Summary ] In order to discover the pathological signs related to dialysis patients, it is crucial to take into considerations the following basic clinical conditions. First, because of the decline or loss of renal function, over-hydration, electrolyte disorders, and accumulation of uremic toxins are the primary characteristic clinical features seen in dialysis patients. Secondly, patients on long-term dialysis therapy are prone to dialysis-related specific complications such as β2-microglobulin amyloidosis, and secondary hyperparathyroidism. Thirdly, diabetic or elderly dialysis patients, the number of which is increasing rapidly in Japan, are characterized by a high risk of vascular complications. At the bedside, one needs to observe patients' physical signs systemically based on their pathological backgrounds.